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Posts posted by matroskin

  1. <p>Scott,<br>

    if you put a white dog next to a black one, meter for the white and take a pix, in the photo the white dog will have detail while the black dog will have no detail. and vice versa, meter for the black the white will be blown out. you'd need more exposure/aperture for the black one, not "Same exposure. Same aperture."</p>

  2. <p>William W,<br>

    your math is certainly correct but in busy environment you often don't have 12 feet or 20 feet or whatever will give you a perfect DOF. and considering that the people who live in places that he'll visit have generally a darker completion, he may not have a choice but to use wider apertures. however, reading your "disagreement" post i realized that i overlook the fact the Michael has full frame body and my experience with 50mm was on DX body. so my recomendation for him would be EF 85mm f/1.8 USM.<br>

    and i totally agree with you that Michael needs to have a back up body - digital/film SLR or at least a P&S one. you really don't want to be 3 days in on your "once in a life time" trip, your camera stops working and you have no back up. get something.</p>

  3. <p>as far as i know people in Central Asia are not particularly camera shy, not so sure about Jordan (kids and men will be fine, i'm sure, but treat women with extra respect). in such cultures you may not need the 70-200mm that much. i always recommend the 50mm prime because you'll often find yourself in situations with very busy backgrounds and crazy lighting (Middle Eastern bazaars and such...) and the 50 mm will hell a lot to isolate the main subjects. you'll find several photos from Indian markets here - http://kostyanakazny.com/India_general/other.htm (all the photos were taken with 50mm f1.8).<br>

    good luck and enjoy your trip.</p>

  4. <p>hello.</p>

    <p>i volunteer/work for AmeriCorps/4H in Tucson, AZ and part of what i do is teaching club leaders how to make short movies about activities of their clubs. we have a financial opportunity to purchase a basic lighting kit for recording interviews. what would be your recommendation for such a kit. we're talking about $300-400 dollars for this kit.</p>

    <p>thank you. </p>

  5. <p>Ron, i've been shooting this film for less then a year. i found out about it thanks to KR Project and this forum.<br>

    i have two galleries on my website done with Kodachrome - http://kostyanakazny.com/light_kr64/light_kodachrome.htm . this one is a work in progress and kind of random at this point. i'm planing to update it until KR is still processed and hopefully make something coherent out of it. </p>

    <p>http://kostyanakazny.com/county_fair/county_fair.htm - this one is a finished project with a poem.</p>

    <p>if you decide to post the links on your website please, let me know you did.</p>

  6. <p>i'm a big fan and advocate of 50mm for any kind of people photography. and it teaches you discipline with composition and trains you eye. i usually give a different example of my photos but you can check out these <a href="http://kostyanakazny.com/new_orleans/main_neworleans.htm">http://kostyanakazny.com/new_orleans/main_neworleans.htm</a> the only image not taken with 50mm was AmeriCorps Roofing Leader. the rest were all on 50mm 1.8 and DX body.<br>

    i must say it's not a macro lens at all but i works ok for large flowers - the depth of field control give some creative flexibility. </p>

  7. <p>David, <br>

    while a lot of people provided valuable info on how to get traffic to your site, i got to comment on the images in the wedding section. the photos in themselves are very good, but there are practically no formal shots, especially in the beginning of the slide show. i mean, it's a formal event and i would put several posed glamour shots of bride, groom, the best people, the ring girls/boys. instead, i get a feeling that photos are more on a candid side but not photo journalism quite yet. the photography at the wedding is decided by the bride, so tailor the first photos for her and her maids. google "photoshop glamour effect" and make adjustment to those photos and take out any images where there are shoulders in the foreground and bride groom are out of focus.</p>

  8. <p>"Incidentally, I heard a report that people in underdeveloped countries have a higher average IQ because those with less intellectual capacity often don't live long enough or have opportunity to reproduce. Here, we seem to foster quite the opposite. JR"<br>


    you cracked me up :) :) unfortunately, that report is somewhat inaccurate - i'm from Ukraine and there are way too many imbeciles left to live by natural selection. they just have to fight harder to survive. ;)</p>

  9. <p>Jeffrey, your vision is narrow-minded because you only think about what is userful for you in the camera. there are people out there who have wider aplication for their DSLRs.</p>
  10. <p>from reading just a few posts where people express their dislike of video, its very clear that they have a very narrow minded view of video. you don't even have to be a photojuornalist to apreciate the feature - just travel. i wish i had a video option when i was taking <a href="http://www.kostyanakazny.com/India_animals/India_animals.htm">these photos</a> or <a href="http://www.kostyanakazny.com/Peru_Rural/peru_rural.htm">here in Peru</a> . alas, it was just before nikon introduced d90. it won't be long before i get it.<br>

    right now i'm working for youth organization and we do all kinds of events that are technology based and have to record both stills and video. in short there are all kinds of applications for video in DSLR camera. thank god it bacame avalable so soon. </p>


    <p >all the people who are so disappointed in B&H increase of the price imagine this:</p>

    <p >YOU own a store and sell k64 and on Monday Kodak announces that it discontinues K64. you wouldn't increase the price? i highly doubt it. </p>

    <p >I think your complains would be justifiable if they doubled the price, but a couple of $ for something you love using and that will be available for only several months doesn’t sound that bad.</p>


  12. <p>

    <p>Lindsey, <br>

    i use the nikon system as well. that picture was one of the last i took on canon - it was stolen a few days after, but it was with a 50mm lens. and the rest of the pix i have links to in the above post were taken on Nikon fm10, fuji reala and superia. many people undervalue primes because they feel they're not as versatile, but i always "promote" primes because they helped me with discipline and creativity as far as composition goes. also, since i travel a lot for extended periods of time (sometimes having only a textbook backpack for several weeks) i appreciate the size of primes.<br>

    in any case, have a great trip.</p>


  13. <p>if weight and space is not a big issue then take whatever's your favorite gear. from your list i'd take the 18-200. but if it is i'd take only 60mm macro and use it for all situations. <br>

    personally, i don't like carrying a lot of stuff and used to take the kit 18-55mm and a 50mm only. last year i was in Ecuador and Peru for 4 months and 2 weeks into the stay some of my gear got stolen and i was left with an FM10 and 50mm f1.8. that's been my favorite lens ever since. check these out - <br>


    and http://kostyanakazny.com/Mondrian_imperfection/imperfection.htm<br>

    all taken with 50mm only. i'm still planning to get a 28mm or 35mm lens before my next trip in early 2010. in any case, i strongly recommend this lens.</p><div>00TipD-146695684.jpg.3b5192ded936d12b5f3c96fb1035370d.jpg</div>

  14. <p>it seems a lot of people here can't live without their primes, but i think you've go the right idea - less gear = less attention and weight. when i had a kit zoom, i was like you - most pix were either at 18 or 55 mm. i've traveled and lived abroad a lot in the past several years and found that having 50mm and 28mm is enough. here are pix from Rajasthan that were all taken with a 50mm 1.8 - http://kostyanakazny.com/India_animals/India_animals.htm and here are pix from Sikkim, India that were all at 28mm - http://kostyanakazny.com/India_Sikkim/Sikkim.htm <br>

    i think those lenses are a good set up to cover many situations. </p>

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