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Posts posted by matroskin

  1. <p>Hello.</p>

    <p>Does anybody have previous experience with Amazon and the way they price DSLRs around holidays? Right now D300S is $1500 ($200 discount) at Amazon and the way my savings are going right now I'll be able to buy it in about 2 months. Does anybody know if Amazon increases its prices after holidays or will they stay the same? I could borrow a couple hundred $ if I know the price will go up. Any ideas how Amazon might behave after New Year?</p>

    <p>Just in case, my current setup is F3 with a couple dozen rolls of Kodachrome 64. After that it's almost it for me and film.</p>

  2. <p>if you want just one lens for weddings i'd keep the zoom but if you want to add one i'd definatelly go for the 50mm 1.4. it makes beautiful partrait and creates intimacy with people you photograph. here are some examples with that lens - <a href="http://mooostudios.com/India_general/other.htm">http://mooostudios.com/India_general/other.htm</a> . all but the last image were taken with that lens (the first 5 are from a wedding).</p>

    <p>in addition, a prime will sharpen your vision. </p>

  3. <p>sometimes i feel that people who say humanity doesn't impact climate and nature are city folk who go on a picknick a couple of time in the summer and get most of the info from TV and radio talking heads. even if you have a problem with science don't you have eyes? a simplest example - the river that have been carving the Grand Canyon just dies in the desert. the Colorado River died just a couple of decades ago. <br>

    i spent the first 16 years of my life in Ukraine, when the winter came in the 80s it was for 4-5 months of freezing temp, with a least 4 weeks of -20C or bellow. it rerally gets close to -20C now. <br>

    but to come back to the topic of the thread... both digital and analog leaves it's mark on the environment. each of us should try to squeeze as much as possible out of our equipment and everyday items in terms of longevity and in general do our best to generate as little waste as possible - this is our home. you'd be surprised how long that paper towel roll can last if you use 2 regular towels to wipe your hands and dishes.</p>

  4. <p>until October 2009 i had 50mm 1.8 only on F3 or FM10 and when i had Rebel and Rebel XT it was the same 50mm 1.8 only AF combined 4 years. the Canon with that lens traveled with me to India, Ecuador and Peru for over a year total - http://mooostudios.com/peru.htm and http://mooostudios.com/India.htm . however, in October i was going to hike Grand Canyon and got 28mm 2.8. i wouldn't trade the 50mm for any kind of zoom ever.</p>


  5. <p>thank you for the answers. yes it was Capa's photo i was talking about but i can't find that quote. it goes along these lines - "I don't think you can create luck. You're either lucky or you're not. I don't know if it's really luck or if it's just curiosity. I think the main ingredient, or a main ingredient for photography is curiosity. If you're curious enough and if you get up in the morning and go out and take pictures, you're likely to be more lucky than if you just stay at home." - <a href="http://www.photoquotes.com/showquotes.aspx?id=17&name=Erwitt,Elliott">Elliott Erwitt</a> - On the Question: "Can you create your own luck as a photographer?" Interview with Erwitt at: http://www.milkphoto.com/elliott_converse.shtm</p>

    <p>but it's definitely not the quote i was looking for. i wish i still had email of my Hist. of photography II professor.</p>

  6. <p>Does anyone know the photographer's name who said something along the lines of "Fortune seems to favor certain men in such a way that maybe it's not fortune at all" ? </p>

    <p>it's the exact quote that i'm looking for (and a fairly known one) but i can't remember who said it. i'm pretty sure the photographer who said it took that photo of a man getting shot and falling back with his rifle in his hand in WWI. </p>

    <p>thank you.</p>

    <p>p.s. is this the best place to post this question or should i use a different forum?</p>

  7. <p>for several years i would use Fuji Neopan iso 1600 film only exactly because i could not get proper grain/noise out of digital. this photo http://mooostudios.com/Peru2007/2img_bw202_gold_digger.jpg was takan with that film pushed to 3200 (disregard the border, it's for background purposes). same story here http://mooostudios.com/Peru2007/2img_bw198Lima_ocean.jpg .</p>

    <p>since then i stopped pushing it and meter for 1600 - it has beautiful grain without me trying to force it. </p>

  8. <p>Rachel,<br>

    when i bought my first DSLR i got it with the kit 18-55mm lens. it's a half decent lens for a begginer who has no idea what's her/his interest in photography is. here <a href="http://mooostudios.com/city/main_city.htm">http://mooostudios.com/city/main_city.htm</a> all photos, except the first one, were taken with that lens. however it's a limiting lens. since then i switched to two primes - 50mm 1.8 and 28mm 2.8.</p>

    <p>i would strongly recommend you go with a prime lens - you will learn discipline in composition and seeing before taking a photo instead of just using zoom - 50mm, 35mm, 30mm are all good to start with.</p>

    <p>have fun with your camera.</p>

  9. <p>i would totally recommend going down 77. i was moving to Tucson 8 months ago and it was gorgeous. here is one photo off of 77 - <br>


    <table border="0">



    <td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/kRD5AqImbsK20o9UgZo4VA?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_iMpJ8PLwb_0/SdvgLuR0i5I/AAAAAAAAAIc/wv1wx-f0MKM/s144/64Kodachrome028_email.jpg" alt="" /></a></td>



    <td >From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/matroskinn/JeanneKostyaKodachrome64HoustonBiosphere201022009?feat=embedwebsite">Jeanne Kostya, Kodachrome64, Houston, Biosphere 2 01-02/2009</a></td>





  10. <p>i was in a simmilar situation as you - my dslr with kit lens was stolen in the beginning of a 4 moths trip in South America - all i had left was FM10 and f/1.8 50mm for the rest of the trip. i was frustrated at first but stuck with it and having a prime only changed the way i see images in the world. now i only have 50mm and 28 mm lenses. i would strongly recommend the 50mm (f1.8 or f1.4) and give it a couple of months. all photos in this gallery http://www.mooostudios.com/Peru_Rural/peru_rural.htm were taken with f1.8 50mm.<br>

    and if you really don't like it you can sell it without loosing much cash.</p>

  11. <p>can someone point me to a travel agency(s) with good reputation that you can book an Inca Trail trip before you leave the states? it would be nice if you already used this company and they were legitimate people. i'm applying for PeaceCorps and my PeaceCorps adviser is set on doing the trail next July. it's sort of embracing, i lived in Peru for 7 months but because of student budget had to limit my visits directly to the sights. i heard that there are two options for the trail a 5 day one and a 7 day one. will appreciate any information on either option.</p>

    <p>thank you.</p>

  12. <p>Mark Loader,<br>

    it's not a Frat-boy central it's a therapy session - <br>

    - my girlfriend leeeeeeft meeeeeeeee. Booo Hooo Hooo. i spent thousands of $ in the past year and want to spend moooooooooore, but she just didn't geeeeet me. Booo Hooo Hooo.<br>

    - here boy, here. be a man. go shopping and spend more. women are good for nothing. better smoke a cigar then have a girlfriend. <br>

    i'm kind of wondering what these guys' wifes/girlfriends would say if they saw what they're saying about women? what about the "woman's just a woman" who gave you birth? she had to be worth more then a cigar smoke? No?</p>

    <p>in any case, Richard, like a couple of people already pointed out, from your original post, it's not entirely clear what gaps you're trying to fill. the 17-40 f4 L on 50d will cover you to the 70mm you already have. so maybe you're looking for something extra wide, like wider then 17mm?</p>

  13. <p>Scott, since you feel so compelled to give me all these wonderful advises, i'd like to offer you a couple of my own: if i <strong>were</strong> you, i would work on my composition - having main subject in a picture helps a lot; and don't lie but rather crank down the brightness of your monitor.<br>

    also, you wrote: "<em>Both would be good, amongst others.</em> " what does "<em>amongst others</em> " mean? i'm really eager to read more of the wisdom.</p>

    <p>p.s. i always make sure i have fun (i can't find only the image at this point and hope the silly nonsense around it doesn't break any forum rules) -<br>

    <img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_iMpJ8PLwb_0/SqVZ2GcaM4I/AAAAAAAAAuc/szwIFky8o9Q/s576/-2.jpg" alt="" width="489" height="576" /></p>

  14. <p>i agree with everybody that once you blow out the highlights in digital the info is gone. but Scott, in the photo of the black and white dogs from that article, if you had only the black dog, you would increase the exposure a little from the settings that produced that image to get more detail in. right? and please, there is no need to scream that "<em>They would both be grey!</em> " i have perfectly good hearing and in a black and white photograph pretty much everything is gray, except for the pure black and white. reread the last two sentences of your quote and the next two paragraphs of that article.</p>

    <p>anyhow, i feel like we're hijacking the thread and i really hate being the one doing it, so i admit that you, Scott, have a much superior understanding of exposure than i could ever have.</p>

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