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Posts posted by rob_shane


    <p>Dawn, your Images are quite nice. <br>

    Having to deal with unreasonable clients does happen. Use this to develop a strategy in that regard, i.e. your contract. Also the warning bells should have gone off when they failed to get back to you in regards to the shot list. Your service isn't just to show up and take pictures on the day. Would they tell a cake maker to just bake something and then be devastated because it was chocolate.<br>

    Some people will never be happy. You don't have to work with them. <br>

    I would very much like to see more of your work.</p>



    <p>Nice shot.<br>

    Maybe you got some free police protection. A cop, a street cop is going to be aware of crime rates and recent crimes that don't make the news. <br>

    "Just watch you self" could have been a warning not a threat.<br>

    I would have handed him my card and referred to him by name.<br>

    As photographers we are at times going to have to deal with officials in order to continue photographing.<br>

    Church officials during wedding. Public officials, police or park rangers. Building managers. Heck even grocery store managers.<br>

    Could be worse a friend of mine has a commercial video shoot coming up and has 8 different local government offices he has to clear it with.</p>


  3. <p>I'd go with the F100. Although you don't say what your subject matter is. Also I might recommend a different method of carry for the F4s rather than a lighter camera. I use a messenger bag style camera bag F4s is in and out quick and the weight is shoulder not the neck.<br>


  4. <p>Always dress in a professional manner and expect the clothes to take a beating. Last wedding I shot I was soaked head to toe from heavy rain. You'll take a knee. You'll be in the grass or mud. What you wear should make you blend in and you should be able to more and be on your feet for hours. Also don't wear something that you don't mind getting dirty...ie don't wear your favorites.</p>
  5. <p>Close cropped and in color as it's her skin than makes her seperate from the background. I wouldn't call it flat as there was good contrast in the first B&W just a lot of the same tone. Take a break and go back to it lots of good suggestions.<br>


  6. <p>I was wondering how the current economic climate has been effecting Art Fair sales? I've been accepted to a large festival 100k people per day. I was thinking that Postcards, Greeting cards, and small matted prints may make the bulk of the sales. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.<br>

    Thank you<br>


  7. <p>I have no dog in this fight but I tend to side with the photographer. Early on I had a similar experience. So I feel for your sense of frustration Joe. When you were an employee what was your reason for doing the job? Profit? Self Promotion? If it was for Self Promotion why not stick with that: they did you a favor you didn't like the job and have no interest in it as a career field. But you can show where in a multi point ad campaign your work as a photographer was used. <br>

    If it was me and the bridge was unburned I would swallow my pride and ask for a letter of reference pertaining to the photography used and photo credits.<br>

    Lemons to Lemonade. </p>

  8. I've used an F4s for 20 years without fail. Thousands of rolls of film over that time frame. The AF was never the F4s's strong point. It's built like a tank. If you are getting familiar with the D80 you may find the F4s's controls odd.


    -Shane Srogi

  9. Take it from all of us that have done weddings for family and friends. Don't do it. Just be firm and tell your sister that you want to enjoy her wedding as a guest.

    If you do it. On herding cats. Get somebody to be a handler and use radios. Wrangling everyone together for group shots requires at least one extra person. Preferably two....one for each side. Use equipment you know. If you are going to do it with available light what happens when the weather forces you inside? Good luck. You are up to the challenge but you are not letting her down by saying no.



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