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Image Comments posted by mhvetbo

    Alcacer do Sal

    I like this photo, taken in overcast light. I am impressed by the fact that you did not increase the color, it is nice to have these subdued colors, we see so many technicolor shots! There are times when to reduce or desaturate is beneficial too. Thanks for catching my eye! Thanks for critiquing my photo today! Cheers from Canada!
  1. This is a better composition than the previous photo- see my comments!

    Still need the Green Tent to be cloned out maybe replaced with a tree? I have a trouble about tarpaulins, tents, and wires. Just Me! Thanks Maria. I enjoy your portfolio!

    View of the river


    Where is Dracula? Is that an old Palace? maybe it is being renovated?

    Nice River Scene, with the touch of red flowers; would have preferred more!

    I don't like the green tent and the shadow on the river. Next time wait for some people or a boat to enliven the scene? Thank you for taking me to western Romania! Cheers from Canada!

  2. Thanks Myriam!

    The ground is wet and is reflecting the child's shoes' shadows. Maybe I should clone some white under them as the image is touching the lower edge. Also with Mom.

    I have this tendency to photograph with my compositions cut off at the bottom! Any suggestions?

    Try Lynda.com for Photoshop lessons....It certainly worked for me. Love your abstracts!




    Hello Myriam!

    I am attracted to the yellow paint. I like the striped jacket. That is a great picture, good light, strong shadows, but somehow I don't need the street scene on the right. The bananas don't fit with meat! Maybe you could blur it out or crop it? Nice Portfolio. Cheers from Canada!

    Crazy Kate's Cat


    think I agree with the previous remarks, remove the left two boats and add more lobster traps?

    The whites on this image are noticeably not blue and bright like the laundry cleaner my mother used on her sheets, and I like it better than the other Clovelly images for that reason! Otherwise, congratulations on the mood, lighting, and everything else! Cheers from Canada. Michael

  3. I really enjoyed this fishing village on my first visit some years ago. Congratulations on your interpretations of it. I like this composition and treatment but I am a little bothered by the white on the boat and building as it is a blue white, whereas the rest is sepia. Did you intend this two tone effect? Cheers from Canada! Michael.

    Barmouth, Wales

    I like the composition based around the rope. The figures add interest. I would crop the sky in half but that's me. The photo qualifies for the "Kiss" composition. Well done Ed! Cheers from Canada!


    Congratulations on a fine image, nicely framed and toned. If it were me I would outline the top of her head in black by extending the black part of the top of the carriage upwards a little, thus removing the two spots of light that one's eyes are attracted to. One could also try blurring the background just a tiny bit more. Thank you Janusz! Greetings to Poland from Canada!

    Long Way

    Thank you Alper for this superb image. I have visited Ankara but only the bright new shiny parts where the tourist is taken in his bus. The contrast,lighting,composition is great. There is no part of this image that doesn't fit. Print and frame it! Cheers from Canada! Michael


    Thank you for all your encouragement, everyone! Unfortunately I & my camera only took the lower edge as framed so no joy in re-cropping. The colored lights were matched to the colors of the clown, the frame edge to her hair. The sun came out too! Click to enlarge!

    Baker's Girl

    Thanks Peter for stopping by, and for your encouragement. I cheated a little on this one by using CS3 to give her "Hollywood Eyes", and sharpened just the eyes, blurring the edges. I did another one with white all around, looks like she fell in the flour! The light is coming through the shop window in front of her. She got a print out of it !
  4. This is a very peaceful spot, probably good for some quiet fishing. A good composition thank you Thijs!

    I personally would prefer it brighter and maybe with a white frame. Congratulations on a fine catch and lovely colors!

    Cheers from Canada!

  5. Thank you Hansen. A perfectly good photograph of a Red Shed. Lovely Blue sky! Orange soil!

    I viewed it enlarged, and I think it is a shed. At least, I have never seen an out-house with two doors before. A very simple but effective composition! Congratulations!



    She is so small compared with the door, maybe too small?

    Nevertheless an eye-catcher! I love the colors & the lighting. Her outline in light is superb! Well Done!

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