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  1. I have used a neoprene lens pouch along your same idea, but don't anymore because I think they retain moisture inside. I noticed one time that the inside of the bag was damp and consequently haven't used it since.

    I think that one of these chalk bags from REI might work good. You can also loop it onto a belt as a sort of holster too.






    Have fun with your camera. If it's any concillation, I don't think you're Frank. Even if you are, who cares.

  2. I know it's a good deal. I'm gonna go buy it on Sat. The man at the shop called the owner today and he came down from 895 to 825. My only concerns were that I already have an M2 and M6, money's tight after xmas shopping for the kiddies, and I should send it off right away for a CLA which is another wad of cash.


    Jerry---thanks using the word 'acumen'. Had to look that up. Although I don't think anyone will buy it anytime soon if I choose not to. This shop had very little in the way of foot traffic.


    Speaking of acumen, I might be willing to give this camera's location for a generous finder's fee. It's in SoCal.

  3. Subject: Response to $800 for M3 and 50 1.4...Good price?


    Kent---I forgot that yesterday was my 9 year anniversary, so if that lapse in judgement brought me this good karma, from this day forward I shall forget more often.


    Michael---I thought this shop sold cameras, but the dude told me he only repairs Nikon/Canon film cameras. He just happened to have the M3 and some older EOS model up for consignment. I don't think a trial period will be allowed but I like the idea JT had of bringing a roll of film to take a few shots at the store. I got a bunch of $1 200ASA walgreen's film already. As a side note I asked him how business was going, and he said with the advent of digital he's either gotta learn to fix the collectibles or more likely start a new business. He mentionedd something about a "JuiceItUp" franchise.


    I think this is too good a deal to pass up should everything check out. I like my M2 though, hazy VF, loose leatherette, sometimes sticky shutter and all (well it's only happened three times now and a tap to the baseplate releases it). Who knows, maybe I'll buy the lot and then sell the M3 and keep the lux (which is really all I wanted initially, but he won't break the set)and if my karma stands firm I can sell it for close to the price I paid for the lot, essentially procuring a free lux.


    Thanks for the replies. I was fairly sure I made a rare find at a great price, but wanted to check with the experts.

  4. I happened by a local repair shop today and inquired if there might

    be any Leica, or rollei equipment on consignment and such. The owner

    showed me a SS M3 with 50 lux and yellow filter. The camera looked

    spanking new, and the lens was great too, save the usual coating

    marks. Only problems I could find were the focus throw on the lens

    was extremely stiff and the film advance was not as smooth as it is

    on my M2.


    On the plus side was the viewfinder was exceptionally brighter than

    my M2. The vulcanite was perfect, slow shutter speeds seemed good,

    and hardly a mark on the camera.


    The shop owner said it was put on consignment by a family friend and

    that the camera was basically in a drawer for the past 25 years. He

    was asking $895 for the set and I offered $700 because of the

    abovementioned issues. I might go up to $800 if the seller is

    willing to deal.


    I might go buy it tomorrow, but I should factor the CLA cost in as

    well. So whaddya think? I need a third Leica likea hole in my head

    but I'm hoping that pricewise I'll end up ahead. I should probably

    sell something to finance this, or wait for my tax return.


    I see M3s going for $600-$1000 on ebay and the lux might fetch $500?



  5. I have an epson 3170 flatbed scanner and have been scanning some

    medium format slides recently. When I scan at 600 dpi I get a file

    appox. 1272X1272 2.65MB file. The resulting image looks great on my

    monitor, although I must scroll to see everything. But the details

    are great. The problem arises when I resize for web viewing either

    at 511 width for here on PN or other sizes for blogs etc. When I

    resize so much of the fine detail that made me awestruck in the

    original scan seems lost on the smaller size pic. This pic is

    nothing special, just one I'm using as an example because it shows a

    lot a detail in the rocks. The film is provia 100, hassy with 80CF.

    With my loupe the rainbow at the base of the waterfall is very

    intense, but I guess a shortcoming of my un-pro scanner is a lack of

    ability to pick it up. Please forgive the large file size. I

    suggest if you use dial-up don't click link below.<div>00EbgU-27113384.thumb.jpg.1a8005d0aed91792fff2b80fbbfed090.jpg</div>

  6. I am just wondering if Leica ever got the dust in viewfinder issue

    settled by sealing the viewfinder? If so, would anyone know from

    what serial # range? I am asking in case I stumble across a used one

    on ebay or elsewhere down the road. I googled this and didn't find

    anything new. Just the same threads I remember from last year about

    someone sending their camera to Leica 3-5 times before they finally

    sealed it up. I'd rather avoid that scenario, especially since

    passport is not transferable.


    I am kind of hoping that Leica resolved this dust issue at the

    production phase. Since I haven't seen any threads about this lately

    could I be right?

  7. I picked up this camera early this year on ebay for $25 and it has

    sat in the closet ever since I took a test roll to look for light

    leaks. Glass is great. I had lots of fun shooting it at my son's b-

    day party recently. Only complaint would be focusing. Seems stiff

    and has an extremely short focus throw. The bokeh doesn't have that

    Leica ooompf, it's a tad harsh, but not entirely unpleasant. I have

    been going thru my stuff recently trying to figure out what to get

    rid of, but I think I'll keep this sucker for taking along with me

    Kayak fishing along the coast. $25, I can afford to drop it if Sea

    Lions try to steal my catch. Here's a shot of my son that shows lots

    of bokeh. The drugstore print is super sharp, has better color, and

    good detail in the shadow area, so please forgive my weak scanning

    ability. I would love to see others' pics taken with this camera as

    well as birthday party pics taken with whatever.


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/bfae7b30.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

  8. <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/3096ea39.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/e031091e.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/dbdd2cf3.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/8ebdadaf.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/21.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/33.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/45.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/43.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">


    <img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/yakwad/41.jpg"

    alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"><div>00EB51-26477484.jpg.dc48fbab5d05187aa756692ff76a02f6.jpg</div>

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