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Everything posted by brucebloy

  1. brucebloy

    Annapurna Basecamp

    The thrill of hiking to 14,000 ft and then still be surrounded by peaks reaching an additional 11,000 ft.
  2. I am curious about how this image was constructed. Very striking, as are others in the group.
  3. brucebloy

    Everyday Paris

    Captured on a gray day from the neighborhood of Montmartre.
  4. brucebloy

    City of Rocks

    The scene at the side of the road required me to stop and catch this.
  5. Gregory and Verena -- Thank you for the comment. An earlier version of this had a tighter cropping (which was well received). But I adjusted it to contrast the brightness of the window and the delicateness of the lace with the rough and dark wood. A number of folks have compared some of my images to Wyeth's, which I take as a great compliment. My father-in-law was a 50's/60's painter in Lancaster, PA and studied with NC Wyeth.
  6. brucebloy


    Hahaha!!!! I love doing this to sharply reflected images. Make the viewer scratch their heads ...but it gets their attention.
  7. brucebloy

    Yosemite Falls Basin

    Thanks to you all for your comments. It's great being back on PN after a 10 year absence. I've a lot of photos to catch up. I'm flattered by the response to this image. Thanks again.
  8. brucebloy

    Ancient Steps

    Thank you, George for your comment.
  9. brucebloy

    High Himalayan Morning

    Sunrise on the Nepalese village of Muktinath at 14,000 feet near the Tibetan border.
  10. brucebloy

    Ancient Steps

    Ladder leading up to the Gila Cliff dwellings, Silver City, NM
  11. brucebloy


    Simplicity ...Yes!
  12. A great combination of interesting features and great color. Thanks for posting.
  13. Franz -- I'm still striving for "perfect". But I'm pretty happy with this shot. Thanks so much for the comment. -- Bruce
  14. brucebloy

    Mist over Machu Picchu

    Thank you for the comment Laurent. I like this image largely because it isn't the "traditional" shot of the entire complex from above. (Of which I have many.) Warm Regards - Bruce
  15. A vivid depiction of the rugged terrain of Death Valley. Nice capture.
  16. brucebloy

    Yosemite Falls Basin

    Captured at the basin of Yosemite Falls, the spray from the falls and the resulting rapids.
  17. brucebloy


    Wow ...quite a shot. Kudos
  18. brucebloy

    Plane Alley

    Wonderful contrasting lines, both vertical and horizontal. Add to that the "tunnel effect". Very fine!-- Regards, Bruce
  19. Thanks Gary for the comment. I had never thought of it in "Japanese Print", but I see what you mean. Thanks -- Bruce
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