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Everything posted by brucebloy

  1. Evening at the Grand Canyon
  2. Really like the image, Patrick. I must admit that it's the type of image I like turning upside down and play with people's heads. Regards Bruce
  3. brucebloy

    Farm Window

    Thanks Vincent for the comment. Bruce
  4. brucebloy

    Now Stop Right There!

    Hummingbird approaches lunch. Photographer hit shutter hoping the settings are correct.
  5. brucebloy

    Mist over Machu Picchu

    A photo of the famed Inca village as the late afternoon mist gathers.
  6. brucebloy

    Farm Window

    Thanks Joao, Ian and Gary. Your comments are appreciated. This image is a personal favorite.
  7. brucebloy

    Amber Morning

    Early light in Minorca, Spain
  8. brucebloy

    Farm Window

    Photograph from 2013 of a window and an old ranch in New Mexico
  9. brucebloy


    Badlands National Park, South Dakota
  10. brucebloy


    A very striking image. I appreciate the amount of effort that went into creating this. Kudos
  11. brucebloy


    Very effective portrait.
  12. Museum visitors admiring the 40' canvas of "The Coronation of Josephine."
  13. brucebloy

    Playa Giron, Cuba

    Otherwise known as the Bay of Pigs, this area is now a beautiful resort in Cuba.
  14. brucebloy

    Guadalupe NP

    Entrance to a wonderful park for hiking and bouldering
  15. I worked in the printing industry and have been using Photoshop since 1992. Working without some form of photo editing is like Ansel Adams turning out his prints in a dark room of 3 trays and and $50 enlarger. The tool you are looking for in editing software would be called a cloning or "stamp" tool, which allows you to sample a nearby area and "paint" it over the image. Photoshop Elements, a much striped down version of photoshop, has such a stamp tool and most of the basic adjustments (cropping, saturation, contrast and more...). I think it's available well under $100. Lightroom has most of the important aspects of Photoshop without many of the bells and whistles. Many photographers rely on it. You can subscribe to downloads of PS and LR through adobe creative suites ...costs me about $10/mo. Elements you can purchase as a stand alone. Photoshop used to cost $400-700 for a stand alone but is available by subscription only. I'm sure there is other software out there that duplicates PS. The stamp or cloning tool is probably the most popular tool in PS. It's the one that I use the most. That's what you want to look for.
  16. Nice autumn colors, good utilization of tracks and interesting images in building windows. The overall composition really appeals to me, but the signage and the caution strips on the back of the construction equipment on the right side seriously detract from this image.
  17. brucebloy

    Frozen in Time

    Chicago, 1970
  18. brucebloy

    Turbulent Mist

    Yosemite NP (2009)
  19. brucebloy

    Sunsat ,

    Stunning image. Some might say over processed, but it certainly works here.
  20. brucebloy


    Shot while salmon fishing at Lake Clark NP, Alaska
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