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Image Comments posted by orias

    back tail

    I'll voice an opposite opinion. I kind of like the girl in the photo. I am not sure if the blur is natural or not as it seems a little abrupt and uneven. The woman adds a little mystery to the shot and also is focussed her attention on the skater like we the viewers are.


    A photo like this where not much action is occurring should be more about the light and the wave. Here the wave is certainly good sized but a little blown out and the overall light in the photo is not very strong.


    There is something rustic and yet, for me, sadness, in this photo. The rock walls makes a nice and unusual framing element for this shot. It adds to the isolation with the birds at the bottom of the frame and there being so much empty space above. It portrays quite a struggle for survival.


    Definitely more original than the cliche "bird in bright light" shot. Also, the species of bird and its character goes well with the processing choices made.


    The processing on this photo is quite interesting and somewhat unique. The strong silhouette amongst all the white water is eye catching. I think the framing of the shot could be better showing more of the wave above him.


    Interesting angle and good lighting on the subjects. Well executed! I just wish those ovals on the left weren't there for a somewhat cleaner background.

    Point Mugu Wave


    Thanks everyone.


    Thanks Jan. This was processed with some burning and dodging. Please help me out and let me know what part of it looks fake. Is it the color, the wave texture or everything?


    My favorite aspect of this photo is the cool blues and greens and the warmer somewhat magenta colored walls. It provides and interesting contrast as does, what I assume is the selective burning and dodging to create a dappled light source. It took me a little bit to understand the reference of the title.

    In the grass...

    A well composed shot both in placement of the main subject, the weather conditions and aperture choice. Also the processing to bring it to these tones was well executed.

    Point Mugu Wave


    An ongoing series of waves to investigate textures, colors and reflections. As with

    most of my wave shots, they are taken around the time of sunrise. Any comments

    and especially suggestions for improvement are welcomed and appreciated.

    Surfer with Dreads

    Good shot. Well exposed. The horizon looks just a touch off. A tighter crop would help us see the hair a little bit better. The action portrayed is not quite peak for that move and appears a little early because if he completed that turn, you might have gotten a little more spray action. The North Shore is a great place to shoot surfing.


    I think you have a little issue with the highlights, but I enjoy the pose and expression as it really catches his essence. I might do a little more work on the background on the left side to make it more uniform like the right side.


    Interesting idea with this. I think I know what I am looking at, so I won't spoil the illusion for others. I must admit I am drawn to crisper lines rather than these softer ones.


    Dynamic, not only for the arrangement of colors but also the motion creating by the streaks. I would welcome a discussion of the elements you chose to create this.
  1. I enjoy the transition from the cool cyan at the top to the warmer color at the bottom. The wavy trees add some interest as well. It might benefit from some smoothing or noise reduction.


    I have seen some patterns in water like this. The tonality of some of the ripples look a little funny. The idea behind the photo to get this pattern was well thought out.

    Abstract Wave


    I appreciate all comments both positive and any suggestions for improvement. This

    was photographed at dawn during a smokey morning from the breakwater in Santa

    Barbara. I panned the camera during the exposure with the motion of the wave to

    create this look.

    Sligo Lefts,

    Very nice. It really catches a mood of surfing. It is always the search for the best waves. Great crossover into landscape/seascape as well. I'm placing it in my favorites.


    The action is well timed. The light is very good. Maybe a little oversharpened for me. My only suggestion is showing more of the bottom of the wave and cropping the top. Putting the surfer higher in the frame would be even more dynamic.
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