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Image Comments posted by lizroche



    Wonderful shot Michele - am a great fan of these type of photos and love yours.  For me, I dont think that the telephone pole in the middle actually adds anything to the photo, might be just me though. kind regards



    What a great shot Rassie - I find it actually very amusing! The barbed wire may keep larger creatures at bay but not this one! I would guess that he might have quite a way to go before the next fence post so that he can find earth again!!! To be very critical I would prefer if he stood out a bit more against the background.

  1. Wonderful expression! To be critical I wonder if you could lighten the eyes and I do find the "spots" at the top left distracting. Just a personal opinion, still a great capture!



    Beautiful flowers. To be harsh I would prefer if there were three, just a personal preference! I feel it would add more balance... nice shot even so!

    Small boat


    Alf, Many thanks for your invaluable advice...it is precisely for this reason that I post.  All of your comment make total sense, will have to put them to the test! I will see if i have another shot of this boat at a different DOF. Kind regards, and thanks again, Liz

    Asaro Mud Boy


    Brings back fond memories of PNG! Great shot, and love the way he is holding the green leaves. I wonder what the background was? I look forward to seeing more! Regards

    Yukon - Re-Work


    Stunning scenery Michael! For me too the colour saturation is slightly too high. Being very picky but would love to see the sky making the mountains stand out more. Would love to have been there!

    Hangin out


    Many thanks Nico for your helpful comments.  I have to say that I am the same...I prefer not to interfere with my subject...i prefer to take the shot as the scene truly is. Every photographer is different though! I guess it makes it much more difficult for me to capture that white cat!

    Kind regards, Liz

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