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Image Comments posted by irishprairiegirl


    Haha, Cindy Sherman,I had to google her.lol I'm doing that project 365 on flickr so that's why so many pics of myself.I'm not a narcissist really.lol I'm irishprairiegirl on there.I only put up the pics I think are half decent on here.Its pretty highbrow on photonet.Nice to hear from you again.I agree I'm kinda cut off on the side.
  1. I just think its amazing.I love it!Such an interesting sky .Its so dark and with the clouds it just looks so spectacular.It gives such a sense of scale with the tiny plane.I get a feeling of how fast the plane is going and also how dangerous it is .The trail of smoke coming from the plane looks so interesting too.Great picture!


    Thanks.Someone had told me once that fashion photography was all about triangles.When I looked at magazines I saw them all over the place.So I was trying to do a bit of that.Also in portrait class they told us to sit on the edge of the seat so I did that as well.Just experimenting .Thankyou for taking the time to comment.I love what you said to Mead about lighting,as well.I think that is very true.I'm trying to see the light too.
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