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Image Comments posted by GerrySiegel


    I like it except for the graffitti. Its an emotional reaction to that sort of stuff I guess,they are designed to shout at you. And seems to disrupt the symmetry of the black/red contrast too.
  1. As a still life it doesn't work for me. I am interested in the arrangement of the hat and the old box but I can't see enough of them. By concentrating on making the photos more visible you have "stolen" from the overall composition I feel. Maybe try it again from farther back Elaine with the photos just one element and fewer of them. And sepia tone the whole thing just to see what happens. Thanks for opportunity to comment.Gerry
  2. Very successful potrait of a lovely young lady. If I may, the only thing else that would have marginally enhanced this shot is just a small card reflector to highlight the top of the hair and separate it from the background. A thought for future for what its worth. It has the window light quality yet with a small strobe, very well done. Thanks for opportunity to comment.

    Vicky Nude

    David, your model is cute. Your pose is basically standard, and a safe one I as a "nude nonothing phtotog" might use too. I find several things to comment on that I think would improve this kind of shot. The angle of the back is too extreme,ouch it hurts. The high heels I could do without(Ever try sitting that way in four foot platforms?) The image, as black and white seems muddy to me. Lacks contrast and sparkle. So I let you have it David, but I hope 'constructively.' Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  3. Wonderful work. I agree the white background makes this picture great, and I would not have thought of it. Another thing I notice with my shepherd is that the long muzzle makes the usual shot hard to focus. You got it all perfect. I agree with more conviction that the photo would be better with a little more of the chest in the picture. I admire this portrait of Schatze. Maybe she would like to meet Herr Morgen, our Shafferhund?:-) Animal potraiture is no piece of cake I am finding.
  4. I don't know from Proust. Technically, I wish the curtain folds were out, they sort of pull me away from the figures. Or if they were blurred some. If male figure looked just a little to his right, the symmetry would be better I think, and the effect would still be cinemagraphical. Vis a vis plain background, and warm lighting I submit this snap.GS
  5. That movie will always ruin the subject line for me...wonder where the origin of that slang came from, and is it strictly a US slang term for the mammaries? Oh yes, Robert,that is an interesting baroque door clapper. And good printing, too, nice range of tones. Ignore the serfs,sir. Minds all in za gutter, guten werk, Herr Doktor.
  6. Using your photoimaging software, just try to fit these two into an oval frame. I did it with my hands and its well interesting. Turns this into a kind of arty 'design' almost. Thanks for opportunity to comment.GS
  7. Essentially boring. Empty husk. Fill it with jellybeans or something. When I first looked,I thought this is the shell of a just hatched emu. But it is different, and provocative. And provocative is not bad. Got to take a closer look at the detritus of my small small world too. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  8. One of the wonders of life is what the female branch of our species enjoys about tying kerchiefs on dogs. My shepherd gets the same treatment.Arff.After all, next to Mastercard, a dog is man's best friend. Leave em some dignity. Cute shot, technically only so-so.GS
  9. Excuse me, now I see you used a Holga. Well, I guess fuzzy is normal for that camera I hear. but I would have cut and pasted the background with the foreground and maybe line up a couple examples of commercial exploitation, the T shirt etc.. I do not own stock in Coke either, drink Pepsi here..
  10. Not exciting social commentary given the lot of todays world at war.. And the execution is sloppy. Why is it fuzzy? Why didnt you shoot the box closer without the distracting ugly wall and ochre background. Why not have included a couple Coke cans for added interest. See what I mean. Plan a shot, adjust the elements. Shoot sharper and dont rely on a caption to make a point. GS


    Lose the hat Alexei. Don't lean on props is my advice, one has to make them integral or they add little. The hands don't seem to feel natural. The body twist definitely seems forced. The big patch on the jeans looks plain ugly. (Your last two have not been up to the previous batch). Too mannered maybe. Almost forced. Seaside doesn't add much as a backdrop unless you "use" the seashore as you have in the past, if I make my point.Maybe the sunsuit and the waves don't quite "click". And this one looks like a rush job, you tell me..So, take more time,(unless you don't click with this model)That can happen!. Composition doesnt grab me either. Hat,the title of the shot, as I said, actually seems a little out of place here and I like hats a lot of the time on the models.Plus: Rock in the way of the lower torso but that is small. Expression kind of forced and blah dont you feel?. Gut reaction even if it seems all negative andmaybe even unkind. But you have done considerably better Al, and you need to hear that too. Thanks for opportunity to comment. GS
  11. A scenic you say, but where is the scenery,. As a design of stacked boats, it is hard to detect the boat personality. Not to mention they appear to be some of the homeliest little runt dinghys, without visual appeal.(Makes me want to insist the concessionare paint the durn things blue and yellow:-) Now, before you think this hostile, I looked at your portfolio and you have done some nicely composed work on colorful birds, animals, architectural still lifes. With or without the figure, this shot I just can't warm to. Good idea,the lineup, maybe the angle is problem. (More oblique?) What do others think. Is this judgment too dismissive? Thanks for opportunity to comment tho. GS
  12. What does it convey. Frightening people out on the street when they ought to be in treatment. Technically it is good. Quite good. Could illustrate any number of subjects, like the folks who slip throught the cracks of federal funded programs under reform. (I never saw much of this subject matter as a kid in Boston, but I sure saw plenty when last visited there. Athens of the East no more.) Thanks for opportunity to comment. GS

    Cobra 427

    I am sure a car upgrade fan would get hot. Especially the "mammary" cowling of the side mirror. Trouble with mirror as the focal point IMO is that it doesn't quite satisfy image of brawn and oomph of a performance car, Matt. As industrial art,if that was what you aimed for, it is not quite close enough to single out the design of your main subject IMO. On the other hand, the reflections, the color and the technical quality are very good indeed. A successful photo of a dynamic subject that doesn't quite excite is how I feel. Thanks for opportunity to comment. I don't do ratings but its nice. GS
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