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Image Comments posted by GerrySiegel

  1. Bas, you photograph I perceive to document your travels with lots of images. Good. Around the world with Bas and Kylie is fun,although I sometimes get lost as to exactly where (take notes,what location,it is tedious but interesting as in near the Doge Palace north of the Palazzo Pizzeria:-)). To me this is a fine composition which would be a hot one if there were a young lady leaning over the top bridge rail of the canal. And I agree this is the better photo than the other. Here's a project. Insert an overlay of Kylie in red top on the bridge behind the gated fence (ooh what a challenge) and see if the composite doesn't get a lot of oohs and ahhs. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Gerry, President,E-1 Society of Oahu


    Morning run

    Nice work. I like the morning light,with the strong shadows on the masonry. Can one imagine constructing this bridge with steam driven cranes in 1870 something. The runners,both the first two and back one give depth to the photo. The cables are the key to suspension bridges and these show up well. The cropping is not bad, I would have tried a few with wider or even narrower. As said the sliver on the left arch is somehow pulling the eye to the left,but that is a nitpic. I like it. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Gerry

    .: memories :.

    I find it intriguing. Spare.Doesn't leap out,but draws me in. Lovely face. Meditative. Reflective, asking for the same kind of reflection. Not just a portrait,not just an illustration,but open to what the viewer chooses,a characteristic of art in its most gentle sense of purpose. Desaturation used to just the right degree for my taste and not calling attention to technique per se. I respect the photographer's crop, this being an infinite subject of choice,that is. I like the boldness of the cheek,and hair texture,in contrast to the out of focus parts. Not Mona Lisa or equivalent,but an honest piece of workmanship. I like it, Vaclav. Thanks for the opportunity to comment on your work.
  2. This is a successful scenic I like a lot. Light changes so fast at dusk that you need to do a shot a minute sometimes to get this result out of a batch and you nailed it right on. You seem to like this type border, but frankly I am not so keen on the white stripe. Why, because it to my view slices off of the Harbour Bridge,where my eye wants to follow on to the span to its support,the supporting piers. So the bridge does sort of compete with the Opera house, making whole to me less than ideal in composition. (As you guess,this would be one for the X pan pano you are thinking about.)Regardless,I congratulate you on a fine scenic anyone of us night crawlers would be pleased with, Kathryn.Aloha,GS
  3. A male face especially a full bearded one can get away with strong side light. the black and white shirt is neutral enough that it doesnt take away from the ruddy color of the face (and I like this as a color image.) I would have liked to see the portrait with a more neutral,meaning less stark black background. Santa deserves something brown or green or fawn or mixed gray. Just a small thought.Nice study.Crop looks just fine to me...


    Nice photo, good bordering effect, but how about a cooler tone for the marble. Wouldnt be so much a retouching as just a change in the color temp, which might, that is might, be interesting. I like it anyway. Aloha,Gerry.
  4. I like this simple portrait. On the large scale version it comes out pretty soft in focus for the good complexion of a child and I am one to enjoy the crispness of those golden locks a wee sharper. I could nitpic about the shadow on the left which pulls the eye away. Also it is just a touch tightly cropped and I would like to see a mite more room above the head. As to the lighting I would like to see one with just a touch less fill on the right to see if it add to the 3-D effect. Definitely pretty successful memory shot, but I would sharpen it some with your sharp lens. I like the muted colors. I am not as thrilled by the color background. Light blue would have worked better. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Gerry
  5. I like it as a kind of abstraction. If it were mine I would probably refine it by reducing the JPEG to file to the Photonet rec. max of 800 pixels long dimension,(avoiding the scroll effect in medium) adding a suitable border from your graphics program. Jellystone great spot. I did a lot of hot YP pools at one time-worked there one summer,but never got close enough to see this growth. Thanks for opportunity to comment on your nature display.


    Possibly a white card under the face would have reflected just a little more light on the forehead if you think that would have been better. Just a thought. Bounce flash can be unpredictable for me with hats situation.


    Keith, when you get a chance,perhaps do a replacement upload with a larger jpeg file,this shot is worth a larger image. Yes, the light is a little hot on the lad's left cheek and of course this could be corrected some in your graphics program I have found. I have used black bacgrounds and had the same problem with getting the hair to show a little more outline. Possibly a small old strobe with a slave on the side is your next thing to experiment with. I think it is a fine unfussy and honest representation of the person. (And say, post some of your work with your new digicam. You make such a great case for the G2 Canon I am eager to see what you have done with it cause I want one too.) Thanks for the opportunity to comment. An ardent and faithful Canon FD user myself. And a lover of people pictures. Aloha,GS

    July Bride

    There is something simple and classic about this nesting of the bride to the groom shoulder,with the focus on the bride,enough of veil and tiara to show the occasion, and the corsage clinches the story. Your crop is perfect. When I see two people posed, I ask if they could each stand alone and look good and block the other with my fingers, and in this case they could and do. I can't think of any way it could be improved,you got just right vignetting. And the lock of hair could have been done by a photo stylist, sets just right. Cute bride too,that never hurts:-) Well done. Aloha, GS
  6. I like much about this picture. The backlighting on the hair. The orchid tree flower frame matching the blouse,which is a pleasant pastel that fits well. The composition has a problem for me in the large sleeve on the hand. I kind of think it is too strong an element and competes with the face which is after all the main element. I could only suggest that the arm either have been dropped,or the cuff pulled back to reveal the slender wrist (less prominent). Also, sometimes try just using the front foliage out of focus a little forward to be an out of focus foreground. Sometimes that works without the typical holding the buds as here. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Nice color,nice hairlight. Gerry

    Cabo Raso

    Really metaphysical slash mythological sea and land 'scape. Caught my eye. Land and sea blend curiously with horizon dissolving in mist. Tortured rocks, brooding sky. (Great creepy setting for a gothic murder mystery.)Attractive work and worth savoring,i,e. I like it. Great ad for B and W too. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
  7. Congratulations on the recognition, Christian. Your folder and your explanation of the process are a fine example of taking a signal in your brain and by work,making it exist in the real world to share. And that process is what I congratulate. Because some of your other experiments are even more of a delight. I wish I had that devotion to detail, and your sense of design. And your dash of audacity thrown in. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. One day you will be leading workshops I bet!
  8. I really like Kayla's face. The eyes have a spectral quality becaue of the large iris and almost invisible pupil. Also,I am thinking that the eyelid is almost too wide,as though a pre-flash created a little tightening of the muscles. And as a mild suggestion, the right arm is holding on to or braced against the play slide and my eye searches for a hand. Or says, crop the arm and just show the face. Looks like you got a portrait subject for at least 5 years Darren, my experience is that later on they want money or movie tickets. A pleasant informal portrait. I like it needless to say. Gerry

    Aerial 01

    Splendid. Better way to spend time on a plane than old magazines. Glacial moraines. Next time see if you can get a fix on where in Germany for the record. I like the clarity and color contrast.Good timing and the right side of the plane too. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  9. Excellent shot. I gasp with admiration. This is the kind of pictutre you can stop shooting, take up motorsports and say Wow at least I did that one..just kidding, but its no accident. The weather, the position of the tanker, the tugs, the angle all perfecto. I like the Irish alley shot and your other work, Craig. A gentility in them that is most relaxing. Thanks for opportunity to comment.

    nude: tanning 2

    Different. Sort of a cross between Jupiter Space and Beyond the Infinite in that movie, and the Men in Black or the Matrix. I don't find it engaging in a figure study way, but I think the theme is different enough to make it stand out among the nudes posted. A good idea lurking in this subject. Try experimenting with darker shading in the eyes, or even black is my suggestion. And if this has been cropped,perhaps just a little navel would not be out of place too. Yeoman piece of work for the green and blue color look that is in such fashion these days...thanks for the opportunity to comment. (I dont do ratings,just comments once in a while.) I think you are showing some imagination in this one. Aloja,Gerry


    Now this is one Alexei where I would try to get a more relaxed feel in the pose. Her hand,actually both hands are just a little too much forced to make this a great shot. Its good, but it could be so improved, if your model could do something else with here hands, hey why not hold a balalaika. Just kidding. Thanks for opportunity to comment..GS


    I would prefer it with a gray/blue background, but the colors are splendid. One of your most interesting images. I am not going to "nitpic" the lighting, because I could not do as well and I bet most couldnt. Sure, it has a posed look, but it has charm that makes the posing not bothersome. Good work. Thanks for opportunity to comment.



    Hi. My eye goes to the brightest spot on the picture, the highlight on the top of the straw hat. If this were a hat focal point shot, that would be fine of course, but its a portrait of Kim. So, I agree that this lady needed more and fuller illumination on her face. Someone said to me that hats are great props, but have to be subdued or they can overwhelm. So the top light would have been better cranked down and the light on the side more powerful, a balancing act.

    A charming model and otherwise simple, attractive pose. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. GS


    the market (3)

    We have a Chabad in Hawaii. It is interesting to see how the religiously observant and strict hold services. I use to laugh a little as with the women separated by a screen in a small room thing. Now I come to admire the Lubavitchers for holding to the tradition as long as they are not too aggressive I guess. Laying phylacteries is something few do. Now to your photo. There is no interaction between the two, and I wish there were. How did an orthodox Jew persuade a guy with bermuda shorts to try this. Did he help? And what is the gent reading?. (Is it a schematic diagram on how to wind the straps?) The observant Jew seems very detached and not involved,real cool dude. An odd photo. Obviously there are secularists who will be engaged so it tells a story but it is a.non photo story without your text..Shalom,Gerry


    Very pleasant portrait. Try scanning again and use the edit command to try a replacement larger,much larger. I like the background. The colors go well with the skin tone. Nice work.
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