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Image Comments posted by GerrySiegel


    An image that reminds me of one of my favorite movies-Dr Zhivago. A poets eye view out the window pane.


    A handsome look at a different corner of this beautiful world. Very inspiring. Good eye for beauty in nature.
  1. I think the elves got it right in their explanation of POW. It is a photographer's picture. Lots of things to delve into. Even the ugly wall decoration on the right,as we try to figure it out. Who hasn't seen something offbeat in a room. And offset by the more humble and easily recognizable,almost comforting, fire exit diagram on the left. A sense of place.( Mise en scene.) And the wonder of who and what scene is being played out on the TV. Some endless talky french movie,with all chatter, not really much "skin" like our films. But interesting chatter, it's the accent of course. The eye keeps going to what the hotel does furnish, complimentary I bet in Grenoble, a bottle of Bergundy for two. A lot of story in this picture. And the print is very well done.Meaning I like it.
  2. This gentleman is deceased. He was,like the picture suggests a man who lived fully and with gusto. He was once described as the greatest idea salesman in our agency. If he had been around, those venture capitalists of the nineties would have been putty in his hand had he moved to Silicon Valley instead of DC. He liked this shot of him, and told me later that its the last picture before lots of tooth extractions. To me that makes it a favorite in my portfolio,even though it was no more than a casual grab shot over lunch. GS
  3. Your other black and white work is much better. This one seems, I dont know,not porn,but like you said, an out-take from a session. To be interesting, it needs something and I can't say what. Maybe if Rhiannon were reading Better Homes and Garden or something:-) Good luck with your work. Some of it is very nice indeed.

    Hair Pull

    Wonderful tonal range. Full of life and cropped just right,shows the care taken, and just daring enough in closeness. A poster shot for the capabilities of black and white naturally. I got to go out and buy some of this stuff,but do I send it over to you for the lab work,rhetorical question. Deserves the high ratings because it is charming in its simplicity and refreshing example of monochrome portraiture.
  4. Very nice expression. Good lighting. Rocky background is not as dramatic as an out of focus hedge might be, or even an out of focus rock background in my opinion. Try this lass again and see if you can get the same effect without the rock wall so in focus. Particularly the pink rock on the left really tugs away from her fresh charm. I would love to see a different backdrop or even sky. Great model, keep shooting her. I better check your folder to see. Thanks for opportunity to comment. Dont do ratings,sorry.

    Nature's bounty

    This photo grabbed my attention with its colors,modeled lighting, good choice of contrasts. Then after looking at it for a while Stephanie,I felt there was something not quite satisfying or less than satisfying. Namely, the rectangle of the frame doesn't really contain the subject. Its a market basket without a basket. Think of a photo of a bowl of bean, rice and tomato soup edged by a rectangle and not a bowl. I believe that this still life needs a frame that would be an aesthetically fitting 'container.' Not to take away from the very technically well done qualities of the image Stephanie. Even an oval or circular matte around this would be an asset in mine umble opinion.I like it very much.Thanks for opportunity to comment on this nice photo. (I dont rate,but if I did, I'd say a "four bunny salute" to you, or- Navy talk- a 3.7 at least.)
  5. My favorite constellation and you did it up right. (I just wonder what the "real" color of the gassy mass is. But on the other hand, what does it matter.) Technically beautiful, and not an easy job to get, I can imagine. I enjoy it with a pair of Fujinons,on a parallelogram mount, unphoto suitable, but wow,glad someone has the big tubes and the time to wait for the air to clear and the whole nine yards. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
  6. It needed some hair separation. Velvet of this type,nylon black, is a light vacuum. Distracting,I don't know, detracting might be better word. Her hair was too lovely to get lost in the vacuum in other words. That is my evaluation of the hair thing.


    I like the edge shadow, I used to remember Peter Gowland got that effect by some light control work,too. Whatever it is,tres elegant, Michael. So simple looking, but likely more complex than it looks.
  7. The toning is well done. Reminds me of the opening Kansas scenes in Wizard of Oz. The old fence is an interesting subject. If I were pushed to find something to criticise, and then only mildly, Lorraine,I might suggest that the scene is a little busy,with the bushes and all. But one I would be pleased to call one of my own too,I hasten to add. Good workmanship, Lorraine. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.


    I like it. A tummy rub is at once intimate and erotic and also nurturing, like mom rubbing talcum onto baby. I was tempted to say a smartarse thing like"heck of a way to do a Heimlich maneuver." It is an arresting image, technically very fine indeed. And imaginative. This is one of your better pieces Michael. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  8. Interesting. But you know I never recall seeing Joan Crawford or Jean Harlow with the knuckle chain thing accessory..kidding, I realize this is a guy. Pearls wouldnt fit. Lighting is dramatic,now work on costumery. Hurrell used draped clothes on women and exotic background screens for his shots. And mythic themes as in his photo of Ramon Navarro. Opulent feel he was after,mythic quality. An interesting book I think you would enjoy is called "Masters of Starlight," ISBN0-345-35509-1. I love the old time studio shots. They are getting a reappreciation today.Thanks for opportunity to comment Lucas.
  9. Nicely lit, attractive model. Unassuming seamless background of easy on the eye color. Nitpic on the prop. Somehow the skirt doesnt quite gel with the electric guitar, but then I have been watching too many shots of Britney lately I guess. As a clothing fashion shot its very pleasing and avoids the silliness/weird stuff that some of them seem to strive for in the ads. Almost sedate, Sunday newspaper section ad type. Good lighting,good crafsmanship. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  10. My eye follows the image line from the center hatch back along the diagonal and looks for the complete washer door, in focus up front. To have the front blurred and chopped implies to this eye there is something special in the second, like a beach ball inside which isnt there, just laundry or an empty drye. If you strip the photo down to design element lines you will see this better I think, its a blocked or truncated,high falutin for same thing, visual pathway. Also if the second hatch were open that would make it a little more dynamic. I think that is the missing element in the composition. What do you think? Nice clean machines down in Tampa I see. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  11. I like the natural side lighting. And the eyes and hair are crisp and full of detail on my scanner. Enough DOF in mine umble opinion. (my noses and lips never come out surgically sharp for me and I wouldnt want them to) It would probably be a little improved if there were just a mite less reflection,(cool bluish too) coming on to the face from the concrete(?) object. Bluish on faces never works for me,warmer is better I think. Obviously you could play with that in your graphics program. A little shadow ratio on the left might have added some useful modeling to the cheeks, a nitpic. A good face shot,Jim, lots of personality in that young Kathy. Thanks for the opportunity to comment,?(Sorry I have always been boycotting this rating business FYI)..Gerry


    Michael I like this shot but I cant afford a monitor that large. Maybe redo the JPEG to 400 by 600, thanks if you have time add it to the portfolio just for fun in smaller upload Aloha GS
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