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Image Comments posted by GerrySiegel


    If it were a horizontal instead of vertical sliced photo of a historic village, it would be more pleasing to the eye, and more generous in its intention. As a vertical, my eye tends to the village sited on its interesting hill with its historic buildings as a backdrop to the foreground And that is a tepid group of plants in a pot. I mean not brilliant sunflowers or anything to grab one's attention. Not a line of clotheslines with bright toggery even.. This I kind of think it is a case where the use of the vertical frame was not the most propitious use of the format. So the focus is on the subject of lesser interest in terms of space and placement. There are other items as noted. So I start with what is the focus in de constructing this photo and got sort of lost at the outset.


    This shot packs a powerful punch. Her hair is quite something ( was it augmented?) and the garment is splendid. If she were offering me that dram of whisky or liqueur it would complete my day. A great advertisement style shot. Good lighting and makeup and a very skilled model with an incredible torso and limbs. Just splendid. The chair contains her nicely and with elegance.

    Adriana Talavera

    Well, technically it is good. Or good enough, in focus and no serious defects of that kind that would make one delete it from a collection... The thing I feel is that I am not sure what you were after in this shot, Russell. Were you? I ask w no disrespect... A display of an unusual bodice and shoes and dress or a presentation of a lovely model figure. Something seems to clash with something and I can't tell what exactly off the bat. Perhaps the black background makes it almost too sharp and focused making the color of the skirt jump to attention, which seems to uypstage the leather or vinyl brassiere and neckpiece and the ensemble does not ensemble. If it were a dark brown I dunno...Her pose to me is so so. Not bad but not telling in any way for flattery. What more can I say that is constructive but not dismissive... I am sure others will come to the rescue of this unusual image. I wish I could like it. Sorry. I wish you well. -g-
  1. I like it just as is. Strong and handsome face, Great bones. Ok, on the blowup I might gently suggest just clone out her small capillary red blood vessel in near eye ball.. if you desire to bother..
  2. Has a lot going for it. Beautiful lady, lovely dress which complements her skin tone. Strong lighting if that is what you and her are after. Not a typical portrait glamour light. More theatrical. But nice. Dress becomes her. Some photographers would likely ask you to figure a way to get her hand raised for a whole to let the veins drain to show less, yes a goshdarn nitpic...does not bother me so much but for a fashion shooter we do not sow a lot of veins and prominent nuckles I have read in glamour and fshion anyway...best, gs
  3. It is a pleasant enough portrait, Russell. Almost a little too many elements to take in at least to my taste. Simple is better huh? I like the rose floral head lei/haku lei but it draws away does it not from her face and hair and makeup it is large and bold.... Perhaps if Georgia were HOLDING the roses as a bouquet away from her face (and also give here something to do with her hands in the bargain, would seem pretty natural.. I suggest a wee little more negative fill via a dark card on her left to take away some illumination to decrease highlight on cheek and nose,--- just a little bit not a lot. Her hair would be my focus of attention and getting some "life: into it on both sides of her lovely face-you will have to figure out how you would want to do that via lighting so many possibiliites. Now as to delicate topic. Her dress straps are plain old dull, what can one say.they hold up the garment.. Yeah that would take some attention beyond just MUA but worth it w MUA to get less of the kind of pedestrian straps which bisect lovely shoulders with a dull bland strap like all dull straps. ...OK, I spent a lot of words because I think/trust you are interested in opinions and will not be offended even if you and your crew disagree. i like your model and the floral concept is fine and dandu .it could be reworked into a great shot and I urge you to consider how and whether you agree..I do wish you and Georgia and Kat the best, aloha,-g-
  4. A very restful and enjoyable image. And a pretty landscape well pictured and stirs the imagination of stories of the exotic East by such as Somerset Maugham and Joseph Conrad who painted word pictures for us. The figure adds so much to the feeling of depth as do the hazy gray cliffs marking the horizon,. Lovely enchanted color pallete. Has a symmetry and balance that are ideal to the subject. If you don't like the subject or care for anything that might go on a postcard or a holiday card you will not like this one and so it goes. There is such a perfect progression of colors in the sky and the reflection. A charming image. Watermark does not disturb me, as why should it. Good change of pace from tension with a little splash of color to tickle the cones and rods in our retinas. Time for a little fantasy imagery to brighten up things and add some Chinese saffron and herbs to tickle our photo palate.


    She is stunning, Art. Pity that the chair fabric is so close in tone and color to that luscious halo of luxuriant red hair. Possibly a throw fabric would have done the trick. Lovely skin and make up and intimate posing.

    A powerful shot. I do not rate, sorry. I guess I would consider slicing off about a half inch from bottom via a recrop to give the background peaks the focus they deserve. Small matter. Yes, having a figure like you did is good approach, whether in silhouette or in sun,either way. I like it Daniel. Cold country. And not a tree in sight..g

    Happy girl

    This is a pleasant portrait using the natural light to give her hair a glow. Only thing you may consider next time is to employ a small flash to fill and brighten her face and eyes. Or carry a small silver and gold reflector. Just a thought. I wish you well, Sidsel.. Lovely lively lass.

    Portrait 8162

    I like this portrait and the slight tilt of her head and the fall of hair against the green dappled background. My only thought on improvement besides the glow on her nose is that her skin texture is almost too liquid to be natural. Yet a striking portrait indeed. Good work. Ziggy.

    Dead Tree

    If this were stereoscopic 3-D it would be brilliant. I like the composition and river lines. Kind of wish the background were also in sharp focus, because that is interesting as well. I wish you well, and good shooting. gs


    A pleasing portrait.Skin color on my monitor looks a little to red hue, but only slightly. In the larger version, one gets a better feel for the personality. Which you captured well indeed for a simple portrait.


    My admiration for any dancer who can navigate in those boots. An orthopedist's dream patient:-) The photo is nice and kind of funny.. Only the young can adopt such wonderful postures on stage. A good one, John.
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