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Image Comments posted by mikelgondra

    Lonely old Shed


    Hi, Andreas,

    A lovely nice fine contrast this you´ve got with the snow and that marvellous background sky with a lot of color tones. From my opinion, the horizontal composition is a little bit exagerated but, I see, very effective and pleasant to look at. The contrast of the house ruines with the background is spectacular and also the trees of plants creating that fine line separating the snow from the far pink-orange colors. A very decorative postal image and a good sample in any photo-book. Congratulations. Josemi Gondra.

    Halo Hat 2


    Hi, Larry,

    I understand how difficult to take this image because of light condition and distance. I think the images of some city lights on down right corner is very nice argument to give some proportion, scale and background to the image; if there would not be a first distance with that very dark city and trees, the image would loss its value. Another magic thing is the perfect simetry of the cloud halo with the mountain, it´s perfect. I think it is a magic photo. On the cons, I agree with some before critique: there is  a very clear excess of blue tones in 90% of the photo and that´s a little too much. It would have been much better if you expose with some more city darkness down or with some more light or pink-violet tones in the mountain and sky. Thanks for sharing. Josemi Gondra.

    Cloud Nine


    Hola, Arturo,

    Me ha llamado la atención el colorido singular de tufoto, con ese monte pardo y esa nube rosa-violeta en la cercanía, con las lejanas en gris y azules. Quizás me falta algún objeto singular ó personaje, pero si sólo deseabas una mezcla y bonita composición de color, está muy bien hecha.

    It pays me attention the composition of original colors in mountain (dark orange and greens), with that original cloud in pink-violet and white. It is nice composition for a horizontal landscape - panoramic. Thanks for sharing. Ikusi arte. Josemi Gondra.

  1. Thanks, John, I am very proud to receive critiques from you, whom I consider a photo master, both in color and b/w compositions. Our Athetic Bilbao flag (red and white) is very effective with high light on the grass. On the other part, I think excess of focus (light those in high background) are usually a disturbing effect in photos but in this case it gives some kind of halo to the scene. Thanks again, John. Ikusi arte - see you in basque language. Josemi Gondra



    Bonna sera, Francesco,

    I like your image with the super bear, it is great as King Kong but it is a little dirty, like the surroundings.

    The another corner is a beautiful image in a gallery, composition is ok and color is well balanced.

    The another two images are a little too overexposed (down image with the woman) and a little dark (portait of man). Thanks for sharing. Josemi Gondra

  2. Hi, George,

    It seems a paradise valley with beautiful hills and small houses. It is a soft image and a good harmony of medium tone colors. When you include some "human" elements like those small wood or country houses, these are much better in closer distance, giving some starring role to them; if they are very small they give no special meaning to the image. Ikusi arte - see you in basque language. Josemi Gondra

  3. Hi, George,

    I would not say beautiful but very attractive and curious, at the same time.

    Many times we could shoot to incredible formations of clouds, darkness and sun light at the same time that makes these moments unique for us and we remember during long time. But I think to make a shot "beautiful" or very interesting for a mass "audience" needs some other characteristics, some times unique or underlined. I would try to help you with pros and cons and you will think yourself:

     1) The clouds are in a very uncommon position, creating a rare figure like an "X" or something about. Pro.

    2) There are another strange clouds or elements - perhaps the path of some militar aeroplanes - that help to increase the magic of the photo. Pro.

    3) The first distance is black, flat and with no special object or figure. Cont.

    4) The light in the image is low in general and same for color contrast, with a high trend to greys. Cont.

    You will see; when your image is attracting many comments, will be brilliant, if not ... is brilliant for you, but photography is a subjective science. I feel the same with many images. Hope it´ll help. All the best. Josemi Gondra



    Yes, I agree with before critiques. It has a lot of elements of a barroque dutch painting around 15th or 16th century. The light, her cloth at head, the rest of clothing, the details in wood. And some one mentioned Vermeer; I agree, perhaps because of the window on the left, but the most of Vermeer´s work were interiors and only one or two paintings at his beginning were taking street actions. Fabulous, a master work of make-up and shoot. Josemi Gondra

    arch couple


    Hi, Mike,

    You´ve got same name as my "second first name", Miguel (Mike in english). It is difficult to find subjects that are well composed centered and you made it. The couple is in a nice spontaneous moment and the light brown fachade in the background helps a lot to give a little point of colour to this nearly BW composition. Good moment and intelligent shot. Best. Jose Miguel Gondra.



    I am getting more familiar with minimalism in oriental art (picture, drawings, photos,...). But before images with birds is a little too minimalist for me. This is much better with that touch of colour upside with the yellow leaves and the lonely canoe with the figure in the down part of image. A soft, fine, original composition that pays my time here. Thanks indeed from Europe. Josemi Gondra.

    Kara Smile


    Hi, Saleem,

    Kara is a young pretty woman and has a wonderful innocent smile; her hands also are accompanying her face, touching themselves softly. The background is not good, it is too white, without light contrast and showing not good details of landscape. You should correct the light angle or exposition next time. Josemi Gondra.



    Kaixo, Iker,

    Para mí, la mejor de la serie. Has logrado una pose muy pr´xima, pero a la vez con un conseguido  grado de abstracción en la expresión de la joven, muy sensual, en ropa interior. El toque de los rizos en su largo cabello y la luz suave le favorecen muchísimo, con su boca entreabierta, un detalle clásico. Quizás me gustaría que se le vieran un poquito más los dedos, pero tiene ambas manos en una pose original y bonita, mejor la derecha con un poquito más de luz, aunque es una foto de bajo tono de iluminación. En alguna de las otras, aparecen mucho sus lunares y no le favorecen tanto. Enhorabuena a ambos por un buen trabajo.

    Fantastic image in soft tones and very original pose, with sensual make-up, clothing and long hair. Intime atmosphere. Ikusi arte, Iker. Josemi Gondra

  4. Thanks Tom,

    I agree with you in some kind of portraits where very sharpen eyes images is interesting - fashion images, faces with a lot of make-up products, very light colour eyes -. In this case, I took the image quite close, from 1,5 to 2 meters and I prefer atmosphere of all face elements a little out of focus. The interest here is composition, color and expression. I do not mind about very sharpen eyecils or browsers. The photo was reduced in composition later, at the beginning the whole head is in the image but I reduced it to make more impact of the expression. Thanks for your comment. Josemi Gondra

  5. Hi, Fabrizio,

    Congratulations to hana, with her suspense half smile and your wonderful combinations, you´ve got a marvellous portrait:

     - Grey eyes, grey wool jacket, nice.

    - Brown hair touching brown wood, very nice.

    - Soft white background with white blouse, perfect !

    It is a pity we can not see her hands, I like to see hands in women portraits, even if in this case, it is not a master subject. Congratulations. Josemi Gondra

    gul mark 1001


    Hi, Tommy,

    This looks like oil-painting colors. Do not know if you make post process or if these are partially natural. The contrast yellow dark grey is fabulous and the hidden house in the trees makes more suspense to the image where the sky is first actor. All the best. Josemi Gondra.

    Mother and son


    Hi, Indraneel Majumdar,

    Why not ? It depends on what you want to get on your portrait. Of course, taking two spontaneous smiles of mother and boy - I imagine - is usually a good shot to hang on family album. If you want to cover other budgets with your image that´s different and smile is usually spontaneous in children and quite young people but not so often on adults, where it could be a little too artificial if it´s a pose. Color and expression is very nice in this hot couple portrait - I say hot because of so much red and skin colors in the shot. Bye. Hope not to be heavy in excess for your likes. Josemi Gondra.



    Hi, Iwona,

    upper part of photo is ok in style, contrast, atmosphere and pose - not too artificial. I prefer more natural poses but it´s ok. Down part is not helping to image in general because clothes same tone as skin and similar to background are not helping to make more contrast and intensity on her face. I think should be improved with darker clothes in the down part, to give more impact to face and hands, important parts in close portraits like this. It´s a very nice soft photo anyway. Bye. Josemi Gondra

    Mila & Winter


    Very close soft picture of a children & adult couple. It is not easy to "enter" into children world without doing many times stupid things. To shoot them when they are silent and you are simply close to them is a good opportunity to show them as an adult and we enter as our children´s part. The atmosphere is peaceful  and the BW is nice choice. Josemi Gondra

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