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Image Comments posted by mikelgondra


    The photo has its enchantment even the eyes are no so sharp. For me it is OK in the blond hair girl on the right. Perhaps we miss a little more sharpen image in the left eye of Miss Left. Anyway both are very pretty. I prefer right one just because I do not like artificial colors and her face looks more white-pink - more natural to me - than the another one that seems to have more light effects with powder and black shadow in eyes. Hope these are your friends also, you are lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 and 7, Bjorn.
  1. Do not know what is better, the shot or the title, both are superb. The color of sea or lake, that blue-green is quite contrasting with sky blues and grey-violets. The small snow areas are also interesting, giving the distance and the dimension of the mountains. Fantastic one, Bjorn, hope you could even improve !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Evening tree

    Very nice degradees of pink to violet and violet to purple. The middle line in close to white color - pale pink - helps a lot to give more character to the tree and equilibrates the composition. Good one !!!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. This is a very very good one from your portfolio. The sun with the exact light level and the very very vertical trees. Fantastic image and good composition, perhaps a little more sided would be slightly better. Superb, Adrian, sincere congratulations.

    La Larri

    Me gusta la homogeneidad entre la figura de las rocas y la cabana o refugio del fondo. Parecen dos figuras casi gemelas y le da una bonita composicion. El pelillo es tambien exotico, si es una pestaña casi vale como "firma de autor", en plan C.S.I..
  3. I do not know what did you exactly preted with the photo so this is my honest critique. The main subject is OK, perhaps a little too much distanced from the photographer. Composition is also "academic" with the object situation not centered but left or right (close to the "Aurea section", if you know about this very old concept used by classic painters, and also photographers). What I lack - I would like more in the shot - is color. The blue is OK but a little bigger area and intensity would be better. It would also be much better with some higher contrast with some hot colors (red, red-brown, yellow, dark yellow) that would give more "live" shot.


    One question, what do you mean by iron belt ?, suppose you are referring to the old defense structures from the spanish civil war in basque country. Thanks for your images !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hola, Hi, Nathan. Uau, a good shot. Peace atmosphere is interesting and blue color in hair is quite original and also convenient to girl�s gesture. It is a nice photo and could be a nice portrait if the girl also likes it. Just some more comments: if yo want to improve beauty in the picture, perhaps a soft smile in the girl could be OK. On the other hand, I think you were searching for some kind of mistery in the face and the surroundings so in that case all it�s fine. Last comment: if the girl is nude, the hand a little more relaxed would be much better for the peaceful atmosphere in the shot. You could also increase the contrast of dark-black-blue hair with a little more yellow grass reflections in the top (in this case, the hair and the reflections would need to be close together). Nothing else, hope to enjoy more of your photos.
  4. Cape Trafalgar is a magic place. Everybody could remember about that

    horrible battle where thousands of french, english and spanish sailormen

    died - including Admiral Nelson. Far from the memories, the place is a

    beauty and peaceful beach where a lonely sealight and the Atlantic sea

    could answer some of our questions.

    Silver Helmets

    This one is very good, Samir. Even if grey and blue give a quite cold image, this is some equilibrated by the yellow-close to pink reflections in the helmet surfaces. Perhaps a very little more human skin would better equilibrate the cold-hot levels. But a very good one, my congratulations for it.


    Good shot, Jennifer. I like a lot all boyᄡs shots, specially when they are in action or "in their world". Dinamic is supported by left foot - that is not supported on the base floor - that is in the air. Color and contrast is OK, I like very much green for boys, even if this one it is a little too dark for a young boy; try others with lighter colors in their t-shirts. Congratulations !!


    Enhorabuena, Iker, por esta y muchas otras imagenes de tu portfolio, son realmente extraordinarias. Esta misma es una composicion muy clasica, pero el enfoque que le has dado, la luz arriba, la distancia de la figura; en fin, parece un cuadro fenomenalmente pintado. Lo mejor para mi es lo poco que dejas ver del santuario al fondo, sugiere lo suficiente para darle ese halo...ya me entiendes. Que saques muchas mas como esta y que las podamos disfrutar. Eskerrik asko desde Getxo.

    Blair christmas

    Very good balance between soft white-grey in the near and orange-blue-magenta in the far sky. An extraordinary walk from close to black & white in the down part and full soft colour in the background. The good definition in the natura elements (wood, trees, water or ice or whatever it is) helps the global relaxing effect. A very good work, Ian.


    Fabulosa, Marina. El centrado y la diagonal de la mirada y la pata trasera crean una composici�n est�ca y terriblemente equilibrada, pese a su inestabilidad real (entiendo). El fondo - difuso - tambi�ayuda a centrarnos en la preciosa silueta de este precioso felino; y esos pelitos del v�ice de las orejas van fen�meno. Nice work, your portfolio was also very nice, some pictures taken in Cantabria, very good ones. Congratulations.
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