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Image Comments posted by amyknutkowski

    Night Hawk

    Nice job, Jeff. You've had better luck with Fluid Mask than I have. I just can't seem to get it to do what I want... but I'm still learning too. I really like the spooky feeling to this image.


    Thank you for taking the time to comment on my photo. My background is in black and white film and learning to use color this way is new to me so your comment means a lot. Thanks! :-)



    I came by to thank you for commenting on and rating my photos and to check out your portfolio and this image really stood out. Beyond all the technical and compositional qualities (which are very good!) it is also very emotionally compelling. To me, you've done a great job at symbolizing those awkward "tween" years when you're still a child but want desperately to be an adult. Her posture seems very grown up but the way she's looking off to the side says she's not quite certain. And, train tracks have always symbolized a journey but you've chosen a very shallow DOF which makes the destination hard to see. Wonderful image!





    Beautiful, Marta! I love the combination of the warm and cool colors and the water drops look like tiny jewels. Your work is very inspirational! :-)




    A very strong image, Jose! I agree that the high contrast works really well here. The only thing I find distracting is that giant truck. But, that's a small detail in an otherwise excellent photograph.

    Surfer Girl


    I thought I'd try something a little bit different (for me at least) so I'd love

    to know your opinions or suggestions for improvement. Thanks :-)


    In a manner of speaking, yes. It's a fine mesh wire screen that fits into the window frame so that when you open the glass bugs won't get in the house.


    Arnulf, in answer to your question, I adjusted the brightness and contrast, burned around the edges, cloned out some large black marks on the screen that were distracting and then cropped.



    This is a shot of the smoke from the fire in the Santa Cruz mountains as

    it blew into San Jose last evening. The light had a very eerie quality that

    turned the whole neighborhood into sepia tone. This was my best

    attempt at capturing it. What do you think?

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