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Image Comments posted by amyknutkowski

  1. Access to the Coastal Trail is near the intersection of Point Lobos Ave. and 48th Ave. (just up the hill from the Cliff House). Head east on the trail until you see the sign for Mile High Beach. Go down the steps. The trail will then take a sharp left down to Mile High Beach but if you take the trail to the right instead it will lead you to the labyrinth.


    Have fun!



  2. This shot was taken at the stone labyrinth at Lands End in San

    Francisco. If you're in the neighborhood I highly recommend taking the

    short walk out to this area. You'll be rewarded with a breathtaking view

    of the San Francisco Bay. Comments and critiques welcome. Thanks!



    Thanks for your question, it's a good one. I've attached the "out of the camera" version of this picture so you can see what the rest of the flower looks like. As you can see, there is a really dark petal that is sticking out like a sore thumb and, unfortunately, I didn't notice it when I took the picture because I'm relatively new to flower photography and I just wasn't paying attention.


    I liked the lighting enough on the rest of the flower to not scrap the image entirely. I considered cloning the petal out but then the flower looked lopsided. So, I decided to crop it along the edge of the petals that were properly lit and not show the bad petal.


    I think it still works but I wanted to throw it up for critique to see what others thought.


    Thanks for stopping by!



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