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Image Comments posted by jenkins

    Lunch Time


    Thanks all, there were a few pelicans on the pier this day maybe eight, some were more shy than others, in my latest upload you can see how close this one was to the fisherman, he was a very bold bird. I noticed most of them had the study ring on their legs, I am not sure how people manage to do this.

    Thanks again for stopping by.


  1. Thanks again all, Stephen colour is a very powerful tool, of late and the type of subject matter I am shooting I really like to really pull it back, as i mentioned the marsh grass isn't a pleasing colour so I have to either work around that or not shoot it, I rather find ways around if possible and plausible.


    Not sure about the flip Alan but might make a nice cover.

  2. Thanks all for the comments, Grayham it wasn't taken in the early morning though I took it in the afternoon with 3 bracketed images 1 stop apart which I then fused in Photomatix for realistic results.


    The marsh grass is really horrible muddy brown colour this time of year, so I toned everything to make it a little more to my liking.


    Duane that is strange the eye is usually drawn to the brightest part of an image.


    Thanks again.



    Hello Vince - Well that was a nice write up to wake up to, I agree about the titles and I would often just leave the picture without one then I would get asked why there wasn't one. There are definitely good reasons to not have a title and leave it to the viewers imagination.


    The lens used on Grass is Greener is a Nikon 16-85mm which I use for all my landscape shots, it was handheld and I bracketed 3 exposures.


    Thanks for stopping by.

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