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Image Comments posted by laceyhughes

  1. I'm not fond of the oversaturation here. It seems a bit too extreme for me. It makes the photo too pixelated. On the side of composition, I think horizon dips down the right just a bit. I would try rotating the image just a little to level it out. I am jealous that you've had the opportunity to photograph the pyramids. Someday I too wish to visit with my camera. :)
  2. Excellent colors and contrast. Well composed. Was this shot JPEG or RAW? I would try and go through to see if you can recover some of the sky. If you had the original in RAW, it would be a lot easier. I did an example of what I'm thinking just to give you an idea. Hope you don't mind too much. The retouch is sketchy at best, but it gives an idea of what the photo might look like without the sky blown. Shooting scenes like this is difficult, because to get good exposure on the foreground, the sky often gets overexposed. Next time you run into something like this, try taking mulitple shots with both the sky and foreground in good exposure and try blending them together. Or just one good RAW file is excellent to work with. Well done.


    Red Trillium

    I like that you have the lower flower extending out over the frame. Almost makes it appear to jump off the page. Well done. This one would be a good candidate for a poster print!! I'm not quite sure about the edges of the pedals though. The part that lines up perfectly with the border is especially distracting. I would try running it through again, perhaps with an extract filter to see if you can get a softer edge. Good dof and excellent colors and lighting.

    Trying to go pro

    Well composed. Portraits should tell a story about the subject, and yours does. I see a girl sitting alone in the cold, staring off into the distant. Makes me wonder what she's thinking of. And that's just what you should be going for. I like your take with the desaturation, leaving the scarf in color. The scarf is well balanced with the photo. Often times I've found that warmer colors can take over a black and white photo. I'm not quite sure about the blur of the hat, it may just be the fuzzies against the background, but it almost appears out of focus. Anyway, I really like this shot. Well done.
  3. Great colors and contrast. The horizon in the background is distracting to me. I would try and rotate the photo just a little to level it out a bit more. Doen't have to be perfect, I know that doing so will result in a small crop of the top of the sailboat. Beautiful capture!!

  4. Again with the overlay, I think it's opacity is a touch too much. I can see most of the facial features, which is nice. Maybe instead of just turning down the opacity, you might try a blended mask over her face, that way she doesn't get so lost in the background. Not to block it out completely, but lighten the opacity a bit, and edges with a gaussian blur to seamlessly blend with the rest of the photo. Just an idea. Sometimes I find it hard to describe the image I have in my head. The roses and flowers do make for a good romantic theme, which you were going for. Well chosen with that. I'm not fond of the lighter veritical flowers that obscure her face though.

    In My Eyes


    I agree with Bill - Willie the Cropper - when it comes to the nose. The blur is a big distraction for me. Unfortunately it's the first thing I focused on. I like the colors of the photo, they convey a soft feel. The reflection, photoshopped or not, is an interesting one. Well done.

    The Pinnacles

    I think that a small gamma and contrast adjustment would be great for this photo. I would also try to lessen the clouds just a bit, create sky breakthrough a little more - but that's me. Beautiful rock wall. Well done, keep it up!!


    Very interesting choice to go vertical with your pan. I had to rotate my compter screen to fit it all in one shot. For those who have to scroll up and down, I'm sure they miss the whole effect... Anyway - For me, your strip is a little too narrow. I would like to see it wider to get more of the surrounding scenery. At very least to include more of the surrounds to the right. To me, it just feels cut off. To see the both banks in the creek bends I think would help give it a less piecey feel. The houses on the hillside seem out of place. Beautiful sky, and great colors throughout. Excellent contrast.

    The Kiss


    I know it's been mentioned plenty of times, but I don't know that the trim is all that bothersome to me. I did notice the trim, but I don't find it a huge focal point. I agree with the comment that it looks more like a captured moment as opposed to a staged one. I congratulate you on that!! Children are not always easy to work with. :) I also like the softness of the lighting, well done.


    Very cute!! I would like to see just a little more room at the top of the frame, don't really like the edge of the fairy wing being cut off... :)



    Nice photo. Good colors. I crop would be great for this photo. To me there's too much wasted sky space. I understand not wanting to lose the blue, but if your focus is the lighthouse it seems to get lost to me. I would also crop out the bottom just a bit. I attatched an example of what I'm trying to describe for a visual reference. Hope you don't mind. Very beautiful scene!!



    Yes, it is hazy. You mentioned increasing saturation and darkening the photo - Have you tried to adjust the gamma in the exposure tool? I think that taking it to .80 (maybe even a little more) or so should do the trick nicely. This photo would also do well with a warming filter I think. Last, I think I would crop out the tree in the lower left. That's just my opnion... Nice shot, keep it up.

    Ghost Ship

    Again on the horizon, this one appears to dip down to the left. What aperature did you shoot this at? I think if you could have brought the whole frame to infinite focus it would have helped a little. The blurred wave in the foreground is a little distracing to me. I also would have liked to see just a little more detail in the rocks. Nice shot, keep it up!!

    Beach Umbrella

    I like that you blended the edges of the umbrella into the vey unsaturated background. I don't know if you went completely b&w, it appears on my monitor to have a smidge of color left. Anyway, I think that any more color, especially without the blend would have turned out a little too harsh. Well done!!
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