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Image Comments posted by laceyhughes

    The Acrobat

    Love it!! Great timing. I can see that the little critter is climbing on a tree branch, but at first glance it looks like it's taking a nose dive.
  1. I think I agree with Gordon - I would liked to have seen how a photo shot lower to the ground with a slightly upward angle would have turned out. I've thought a lot about this photo. I like it, but there are some things I think I might have tried to change. I think the biggest thing is that the photo is too straight on for my taste. I like the trees, (I don't know how far apart they were) but I think I might have tried to include the trunks alongside the outside of the photo for more framing. The darkness of the tree branches give good contrast to the surrounding area.

    Nice photo. Keep up the great work.

    Golden Zig Zag

    An interesting photo. I don't think I like the color palette though. The sky feels over saturated, which makes the yellow/golden colors appear flat to me. You have good depth of field. Keep up the good work.
  2. I understand why you do it, but I would prefer to see a copy without the watermarks. It takes away from the photo.


    I don't agree with "creepy". It's a melancoly photo, gives a pensive mood. I like it.


    I like it!! I would see if you were able to lighten the trees on the left just a little, help bring out a little more detail. Nice photo!!



    I really like this photo. Great capture of the falls and river. It's too bad that photos do tend to fade over time.


    Where in Wyoming was this photo taken? Beautiful work.


    (rated for what the photo would have looked like in original condition)


    Too much blue for my taste. It washed out what would be a really neat accecnt with the grass in the lake. Beautiful scenery. Keep up the good work.

    single b&w

    I like it. I would have preferred to include more of the rocks on the left. I don't like they way they appear to be in the way of the photo instead of part of it. Nicely done.

    Bojnice Castle

    Beautiful. The only thing I would have changed is I would have left a little more water at the bottom of the frame. The shoreline is too tight to the edge and almost separates the same body of water. Keep up the good work.

    New Day II

    Nicely done. I like how the mountain is not dead center. And the way the trees frame the edges, good work (or crop). Beautiful photo!!


    A common problem when shooting images like this - your background is overexposed and foreground underexposed. If you have a photo editor, try adjusting everything to bring the exposures closer together. Not to match, just enough so that it doesn't appear too blown and dark. Keep up the good work.

    Niagara Falls


    I agree, I think a good crop would be great. Something that would draw your attention to the falls and lights. Play around and see if you like anything.

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