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Everything posted by bob_marz

  1. <p>#3 Lawn Lake Trail</p><div></div>
  2. <p>#2 Lake of Glass. A stiff wind roughed up the surface.</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Nearing the end of my Rocky Mountain National Park images. A series about hiking. Since my wife can sometimes be a half mile ahead of me due to trying to grab some shots along the way, she is frequently in my shots. It gives a sense of scale and makes it a bit more personal.<br> #1 Aspen lined Glacier Gorge Trail.</p><div></div>
  4. <p>#4 Longs Peak on the way to Dream Lake</p><div></div>
  5. <p>#3 Tree framed rainbow</p><div></div>
  6. <p>Home here in the northeast, upstate New York, Adirondack region, the hiking is very good and beautiful. You hike through "thick" forests to get to a summit with amazing views.<br /> Out west where Matt lives, the trails can mostly be wide open vistas from start to finish.<br /> Some trails do start in trees and this series again from Rocky Mountain National Park is called "Through The Trees".<br /> Scenes while hiking using foreground trees sometimes to frame the shot.</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Does the lens go with the house?</p>
  8. <p>Dave, is that a missile launcher?</p>
  9. <p>#4 Tools of the Trade.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>#3 The quarry, which has to be released as it was once endangered and is still protected is the beautiful Greenback Cutthroat Trout, the state fish of Colorado.</p><div></div>
  11. <p>#2 I returned the favor taking an image of her at Fern Lake with the Little Materhorn Mt. reflected in the lake. This lake was only about 4.5 miles from the trailhead.</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Haven't posted a fishing pic in awhile.<br /> #1 First image is actually from my wife. An image of me. I usually don't particularly like images of me, but she did a great job capturing me fighting a fish in beautiful surroundings in Rocky Mt. National Park. It was 6.2 miles to hike to this lake that took about 3 hours, but it was well worth it. It was supposed to be sunny all day, but it sleeted for an hour or so. Oh well 11,000 feet elevation in the mountains.</p> <div></div>
  13. <p>#4 Dream Lake. Looked very dreamy in this scene shortly after I landed a beautiful trout.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>#3 Scene at Lake of Glass. Lake of Glass, another nice fishing hole, is ill named as the lake is never glassed out due to the wind. My wife had tied her polar fleece over her pack making a capelike appearance and the shadow of the large foreground boulder made for an interesting shot with the beautiful background beyond.</p><div></div>
  15. <p>#2 The "Spires" at Sky Pond. One of my wifes's favorite fishing spots. When we reached Sky Pond we looked up and on one of the spires to the far left called Petit Grepon a well reknowned rock climb, we spotted a red shirt way up high, a climber. Very cool to watch while we were fishing.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>B & W Series. I felt these Rocky Mountain images looked best in bw conversion. Normally I like to adhere to the 3 image per week "rule", but as stated if it's a series....<br /> #1 Elk on a ridge. We were hiking a section of The Ute Trail, a trail as old as hundreds, maybe thousands of years traveled by the Ute Indians. We were only going to hike a few miles with the turnaround point an overlook to a view of Forest Canyon. As we neared the overlook within a half mile we spotted this scene on the ridge. The closer we got, the elk with the big horns to the upper left became agitated at not only us, but at a younger buck trying to approach his harem. We stopped immediately. He made a few steps toward us and we hunkered down next to a large rock and some scrub pines. He chased the younger buck off and came with 25 feet of us. Glared at us and turned around and sauntered away stopping to mark his territory by peeing. Yeah, end of the hike for that day.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>A panoramic shot from the bright end of Sprague Lake to the darker end. BTW, we did decide to go and do the hike with the same experience rain, sun, rain, sun. To be expected in the outdoors. Just never really was able to capture it photographically from location before.</p><div></div>
  18. <p>So the opposite end of the lake was brighter and had a double rainbow yet it was raining, a sun shower. Note the raindrops on the surface of the lake.</p><div></div>
  19. <p>Rocky Mt National Park, Colorado. A series from Sprague Lake. It was one of those days for a dayhiker. Woke to clear, blue skies yet a prediction of rain all day. Scrambled to get coffee and hiking gear together. As we drove into the park the skies darkened and the rain came down. As we turned around and headed down the road the skies began to brighten again...<br /> Postponed hiking to visit a close to the road lake which we hardly ever visit because, well, it's close to the road.<br /> The same experience here. One end of the lake it was dark and gloomy. The opposite end of the lake had a rainbow.</p><div></div>
  20. <p>Dorus,<br> All I can say is: most of the time your worst is better than most of the rest of our's best. </p>
  21. bob_marz

    POTW 10?5/2014

    <p>#3 Evening Glow / Large elk in a stream watching over his harem</p><div></div>
  22. bob_marz

    POTW 10?5/2014

    <p>#2 Glacier Gorge / Approaching storm</p><div></div>
  23. bob_marz

    POTW 10?5/2014

    <p>Three more shots from Rocky Mt National Park.<br> #1 End of a long hike / glistening aspens</p><div></div>
  24. <p>My favorites in no particular order are: Duane's #1 his son I assume, Harry's #1 of the Boundary waters, Howard's #1, Yuri's sunset, Dave's #1 of Clara, Dorus's #1, Matt's #1 sunrise, Haig's #1 hummingbird plus his techique in capturing the image, Nick's #2 Swing shot</p>
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