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Christa Binder

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Image Comments posted by Christa Binder

  1. I like it. It is very simple, and depicts those perfect moments we find in nature every once in a while. I like the silhouette of the loon, the fog in the background, and the color tone. Looks good to me!

    Parisian Sunset



    The sky in this photo is very beautiful, but the top of the tower is to close to the top of the photo, I think more sky above the top of the tower would look alot better. I love the colors in the picture.

    Cumberland Falls

    Great Photo of Cumberland falls, my family is originally from McCreary County/Wayne County , Kentucky. We often visited when I was a kid, and still do, but not as often. I have seen cumberland falls 100 times, but never get tired of it. I am adding this to my favorite images :D
  2. Hi Gerlald,

    I think the composition of this photo is great, the colors are beautiful and the subject is a good one. I love this angle , that you were standing at when you took this photo. This one definently caught my eye and held my attention. You executed this photo wonderfully. 6/7.

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing, I was excited to see this. I have a 4.5 inch reflector scope, and a Canon rebel xt, and two lenses, one of them being a 50mm, I have "played" a little with astrophotography, but I feel like I dont have the equiptment to do any real astrophotography, (sigh), I have not tried the 50mm lens for astrophotography yet, but I am going to, for now, until I can geta really awesome lens and a better telescope,( I want a Big Dobsonian,because they are such a good value for the cost.) I just got my first dslr, in January, but the reason I bought it, is because I was inspired by astrophotography. Of course I enjoy taking photos of everbody and everything also. I just like taking pictures. Anyhow, your photo inspired me, and I am going to try to photograph some Nebulae myself, which I have not tried before because I didnt think I could. So your photo served its purpose for me. Thank you for posting your photo.


    I agree with the comments above, people need to get outside at night. For example, last night during the Lunar eclipse, not only did I get a spectacular show, from the moon alone, because it was so dark, I saw a good number of meteors, more than some of the Meteor showers that I have watched in the past. What could be better than that???

    ( Especially if you are just watching T.v. Anyway!)


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