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Christa Binder

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Image Comments posted by Christa Binder


    Hi Steve, this is a different take, on a commonly photographed thing, good work, and have a great memorial day weekend!

    Seip Mound



    Thanks for your comment, this is Seip Mound, a Indian Burial Mound, just the very top of it though, this mound is huge, it holds 123? people,( Close to that number). The Mound was built by the Hopewell Indians (100B.C.-A.D.500).


    Lol, isnt this the truth! When our Britney sees, my husband in his hunting clothes and the gun in his hand, he knows exactly where he is going. Great photograph!

    Little Ones


    This photo has a slightly different crop, and has more color saturation

    than the one I posted to the critique forum earlier, I thought this one

    looked better so I decided to post it. Thanks for any critiques.



    Hi John,

    I have only been a dslr user since January, I may not know what I am talking about :) , but this is what I would do. I find that the best lighting is when the sun is low on the horizon, like right after, or around sunset, I think flowers look best in this light, and most things, including people, ( like I said, my opinion), I point my meter directly at the flower. I think flowers look best with the blurred background f4 should be sufficient..................... I think lighting plays a huge roll in how photographs turn out. If you are not satisfied with dof, maybe you could pick the flower and position it further away from the background, the background will be more blurred, just make sure whatever object or whoevers hand is holding it is cropped out, embarassing but I have actually done this, and have turned out some good flower photos, I have a photo in my gallery called " like sunshine", I did it to that photo. I hope this helps you.



    Hi John,

    I am by no means an expert but this is what I see wrong with the photo, there needs to be more space between the flower that is in focus and the top of the page. And I think that the flower is to close to the edge of the photo on the side. I do think that your depth of field is good! When I take photographs of flowers I take several of the same subject, and try compose each a little differently, that way when it is time to edit, I can find one that I like. Keep practicing, you will be suprised at how much that will teach you, and good luck! ( Like I said I am no expert at all, this is just what I think).

    Geese in snowstorm

    That is alot of geese!! It looks like they are all trying to swim away from you, that is what they do to me, I can never be sneaky enough. I like this photo alot, great work.
  1. PNF,

    I considered cropping out the sky also, but decided not to after the last minute because I liked the trees to have some height. But it looked good both ways. I am glad you like this photo, I really appreciate your critique:).

  2. Miffy,

    This is the best dandelion globe I have seen on photo.net, to this point. I really like the title, blowing dandelion seeds is a fond memory of childhood, that many people have. Really good work!

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