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Damon DAmato

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Everything posted by Damon DAmato

  1. <p>Loving Sanford, Jane, and Brad's photos!</p>
  2. <p><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8308/7862423686_2178e11acf_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="560" /></p>
  3. <blockquote> <p>And don't forget Rothstein's cow skull, or the corpse moved at Gettysburg battlefield, or ...<br /> Reality is so over-rated.</p> </blockquote> <p>If it was really overrated, we wouldn't still be talking about this stuff 150 or so years later. <br /><br /></p>
  4. <p>Andy L, you are probably not alone in not caring.<br />There are people who don't care if a "nature" photograph was taken at a zoo, too. Doesn't mean they have an opinion about nature photography that nature photographers would respect.</p>
  5. <p>Facebook is what you make of it. The only opinions about Facebook you should pay attention to are from those who have used it. All others are just making crap up. <br /><br />And yes, you can make a anonymous account by using a fake name pretty easily, and it won't be detected unless someone reports it. If you need a throwaway email account to get started, head to gmx.com.</p>
  6. <p><img title="" src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2458/3605958180_ebeb4e3108_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="420" /></p>
  7. <p>Mark, no there'd be no response, because all Americans are sociopaths, unlike our sainted neighbors. /sarcasm.</p>
  8. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7028/6434518179_4cc5c98268_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="465" /><br> <em>Downtown Los Angeles</em></p>
  9. <p><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3619/3605965824_a16a4d058c_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="420" /></p>
  10. <p>My old F2s from 1975 is in still in mechanically excellent condition.<br />I really love the sound of that camera in action. <br />The only thing that's not working correctly is the viewfinder's red LED electronic meter display.</p>
  11. <p><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7014/6434491101_3b630a6229_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="560" /><br> <em>Downtown Los Angeles</em></p>
  12. <p>While the professional follows the rules, there will be dozens of parents shooting extremely wide angled (useless) photos with flash on their cell phones. <br /><br />Oh well.<br /><br />By the way, you may want to post this question in, or have the moderators move it to, the wedding photography forum. A search of that forum may also turn up a lot of info.</p>
  13. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3680/19798626118_7d8b51a377_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="394" /><br> <em>Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA - July 14, 2015</em></p>
  14. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3065/2458102759_187ff0a9a9_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="394" /></p>
  15. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3061/2847027783_a3b690d7af_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  16. <p><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1426/5130445300_b3af646f19_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="426" /></p>
  17. <p>As long as those quotes are there, this one....</p> <blockquote> <p><br />The homeless went to court and they won, so the street cleaners can’t take away their belongings anymore – now they have to warn the people before cleaning."</p> </blockquote> <p>... is just City of Los Angeles propaganda. Yes, there was a lawsuit, <a href="http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/city_of_los_angeles_continues_to_invade_homeless_camps_20160317">but people's belongings are still removed</a>. I've seen it right in front of me-- removed, not tagged, and taken to a place that's too far to walk for many people there. Most don't know how and what to do or where to go. And if you get arrested, your belongings will go into a stakebed truck, and likely disappear forever. <br /><br />And, the city put in a storage facilities that have become a curse-- if you are within two miles of a storage facility, you can only have a backpack. All of your other possessions are fair game to be removed.<br /><br /> Just this week (March 2016) the city has <a href="http://www.dailybreeze.com/government-and-politics/20160330/lapd-harbor-division-captain-tackles-homelessness-rising-crime-issues">passed a new law</a> clamping down harder of possessions, to be finalized in April. Federal intervention is possible, but this is the reality-- not just on Skid Row, but Hollywood, Venice Beach, and throughout Los Angeles.<br /> <br /> <img title="" src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8021/7429847624_4a3c6f91cb_b.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="560" /><br /> <em>Carol Sobel, the attorney who filed and won the lawsuit mentioned above, looking out for her clients on Skid Row during a "clean up," </em><em>June 22, 2012</em></p>
  18. <p>Dodger Blue, and a little red on the phone. <br /><img title="" src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8271/8703178201_f0f5044d74_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="560" /></p> <p><em>Downtown Los Angeles, </em><em>May 2, 2013</em> </p>
  19. <p>For the record, I don't care if people make money, even with photos like these. If someone can make money shooting stuff like this, more power to them, I guess.<br /> But I think most of the regulars here would bring home much better stuff than we're seeing in that post if turned loose for an even an afternoon in Los Angeles' Skid Row. </p>
  20. <p>Completely in agreement with Marc. <br />Not just cliche, but really not even representative of the people or the place -- neither art not journalism. <br /><br />I'd also like to add that while lots of people never make it out of there, plenty of them do find their way out. And plenty of others choose to stay to help others, to work at jobs they found in the area, or simply to live in a community they like and understand. </p>
  21. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3192/3075112881_f9c60b417d_z.jpg?zz=1" alt="" width="500" height="400" /></p>
  22. <p><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4011/4318077312_169f242e45_o.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>
  23. <p>Thank you, Mark! Back at ya!<br /> Good call, Allen-- lot's of good stuff in this thread. <br /> <img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7220/7277534886_5a8e89bce4_b.jpg" alt="" width="700" height="465" /><br /> <em>Near Pershing Square, Downtown Los Angeles</em></p>
  24. <p><img title="" src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3053/2976871387_75dd1073c3_b.jpg" alt="" width="559" height="700" /><br /><em>Venice Beach, California</em></p>
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