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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom

    La Chaussure I

    underrated (as is so often the case). Like it very much. The obsession of women with shoes is a dead give away. (don't worry, my wife is the same)Like the hard lighting. Good one.
  1. Dennis, as you know I'm a real sucker for b&w and too often telling people that their great photo's would even look better in b&w, opiniated as I am. You really did a great job here but I have to say that I still prefer the coloured version (I have to see my GP about that, must have a fever). The fact that there is so much positive debate about it is a hallmark of it's quality. Maybe a little toning now so we all can rant about it some more.
  2. Hi David, this I like very much. It's sheer simplicity is just beautiful. Compositionwise it's very good while that darkened coastline really gives some added depth. Beautiful desaturated colours. You should remove that colournoise tough

    abstraction IV

    Oskar, great to have you back. This isn't my cup of tea tough. Having said that, you really did a perfect job here. It's perfectly done. I can't help feeling tough that it would even be better if you removed those blue fingernails. Great one. Regards, Ton

    Breaking Up

    Dear Nadya, this is a very good photo. It conveys a lot of emotion that really comes across. Altough as a rule I'm no great fan of hard lighting in this case I'll gladly make an exception because the light emphasisis the overall mood. There is just enough light in/on her eyes. The fact that he is slightly out of focus is a brilliant choice on your part because that really puts her in the frame. Hoping for more of these. Excellent! Regards, Ton
  3. Hi John, a warm welcome from me too. Yep it's a very good bridal portrait. I think however that you should give some attention at her skin tones. Probably because of her make-up her face lloks a bit pale compared to the rest of her skin. That can be easily corrected tough.
  4. Hi Marta, with that great sky it almost looks like a Dutch landscape. If van Gogh would have been a photographer that's what he would have made of the sky. You know where to find the right light. Great work



    there are a lot of (anonymous) raters and too few people who leave comments and are able and/or willing to give some meaningful feedback. You are one of these who doesn't just do this but also has something to say. There is an old saying, something like you receive that which you give. I want to return my thanks to you and all those people out there who do likewise.


    with kind regards (also extended to your family)from the Netherlands,

    Ton Mestrom


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