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Image Comments posted by tonmestrom

    pink booties

    altough the lighting is too hard in itself it's a nice image. However it's also a little obvious. There are thousands of these shots around and if you want a winner you have to make a perfect one. I'm very sorry, but here you haven't. Don't let that put you of tough.

    Louvre Mono

    It's a great shot, no doubt about it. However, the b&w is lacking in contrast and far too greyed out. Leaving the warden his coloured vest is a mistake I think because it draws far too much attention.

    unknown . . .

    Kamil, I like it. It's a shot with great potential. You should get rid of the blue line in the upper right corner and the two spots on the lower left however. Also I think you could push the contrast some more. All in all a good one tough.


    it's a very good image. Composition is superb. Altough I'm mostly a b&w man myself, especially with a subject like this, I think your choice for colour was correct. The desaturated tones add to the fine atmosphere here. Good one.

    abstraction I

    Nice job Oscar. It's a very graphic image of an otherwise normal scene. Good job altough I wonder if it would't be even better if you push the contrast some more?

    Gamla Uppsala


    Dear Pim, you don't always have to have a striking sky to get a striking image. Unfortunately here you could have used it as you obviously know. Having said that I feel that you would have gotten a better image if you had gone down on your knee because there is a great fence which you could have used to your advantage, i.e. more than you did here. So you've got at least one reason to go back there.

    By the way, succes met je studie vanuit het azM.

    'N' (II)

    I very much like the mood (I think) you are trying to convey here. DOP is just about right. But I also think it's a shame you did't take a step to the right because then the bleak sky which is over her head wouldn't draw so much attention. All in all tough it's a good and striking portrait.

    Nr 4

    it's a very beautiful picture transforming the ordinary in something special. It's a classical shot in the best tradition. The "dark" tones are superb. Great one.


    Hello John, this obviously was taken at the wrong time of day and I'm sure you are aware of that. The light is not what you look for if trying to make a photo of such a subject. You can do way better then this.


    Nice colors and framing. Shame tough that the "out of focus" effect doesn't work at all, for me that is. I think you should lose it. Blurring the background somewhat would be fine, but I think you could improve the image by showing your subject in this picture with all its details.

    CD Discs

    it's a near perfectly excecuted technical exercise. A valid question however is if this is enough to make it a beautiful image. For me the answer is no. Altough I respect your skill and the effort you put into it I think you've overdone it.

    Sax on Creta

    prachtfoto, mooi afgewerkt. Goede uitsnede gekozen. Helaas niet perfect omdat het licht niet optimaal zit, maar daar kun je ook niet altijd wat aan verhelpen.
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