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Image Comments posted by kentw

    Barn Qwl


    I like looking at barn owls, and I especially like this image. It is sharp with lots of feather detail, and the eyes are very alive. This contrasts nicely with the out of focus background.

    The pose is attractive on the stump.


    Perhaps a little more room on the right?


    Very, very beautiful photo.





    Being very partial to raptors, of course I like this subject a lot. Plus you have captured the hawk with a nice, out of focus background which makes the sharpness of the subject stand out beautifully. Nice catch light in the eye, too.


    I have to say I'm not fond of the barbed-wire fence, but then we are forced to take the photo where the subject is, not where we'd like it to be. Very nice,Gert. I like this image very much.





    I'm surprised that this photo has not been rated, since it is one that required enormous skill to make. The flight of these swallows is very fast and erratic. The image is sharp, the exposure is excellent. I aspire to being able to take photos of this quality. (Actually, I think almost all your photos are exceptionally good.


    Thanks for showing me what the highest standard is.





    Hi Dimetare --


    This is, I think, my favorite among your eagle images. The bird is sharp, and I like the silhouette against beautiful Illuminated clouds. This photo takes my into the scene, and it is an environment I love. You have captured the tranquility of the moment. Very, very lovely. Thank you for sharing this one.




    This is one of my favorite images; I really like your capture of the interaction between the two birds. But the eagles are a bit underexposed, probably because the meter read the sky. However, I am confident that some post-processing in RAW using the Adjustment Brush with exposure or brightness will improve the exposure (I tried it with the first bird and it worked.) For the bird on the left, I would try dodging or perhaps Shadows/Highlights in PS tolighten the head and reveal more feather detail in the body and wings.


    Very nice capture, Demitare!

    Eagle 3

    Very sharp image. While the wing angle is not as appealing as in the previous image, the lighting is so nice in this one, and again, the exposure is perfect IMO. Very good photo
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