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Posts posted by djcphoto

  1. <p>"It's not like family photos, senior portraits, landscapes or architecture. Those photos can typically be taken with out attachment and joy in what you are shooting with good results."</p>

    <p>Nonsense! If you don't enjoy what you're shooting, no matter what the subject, it will ultimately show in your work. And, if you're right about what you suggest, quoting Adams makes no sense at all!</p>

  2. <p>Personally I would try and borrow the Mamiya well before your intended trip and give it a good workout before deciding to make sure you are comfortable using it and, more importantly, to see if you like the results.</p>

    <p>I also agree somewhat with Darius; I have made the mistake of taking multiple systems on trips before and spend more time trying to decide which one to shoot with than I do shooting! I love everything about my Hasselblads and I now travel with just a 500C/M (and a spare body in case of failures), three lenses, and a small digital P&S for snapshots.</p>

    <p>I've seen some very impressive shots from the ZD, but I don't know if I'd give up the quality of results I get from my Hasselblad for it.</p>

    <p>Good luck with your decision!</p>

  3. <p>I agree that sample variation is a real factor. I've heard a lot of people slag off the 18-70mm that came with my old D70 but my copy was incredibly sharp, even compared with the pro-level lenses I've since bought. Looking back at some of the pictures I shot with that lens makes me regret selling it!</p>
  4. <p>I had the same experience with our local Ritz as far as print quality; all my work now goes to Sams Club (Costco) too. Again, they carry hardly any film anymore, although I did clear them out of thier remaining Polaroid stock a few months ago, which pleased them almost as much as it pleased me (I got it all for a *very* good price)!</p>

    <p>I also noticed that they carry a great selection of Nikon pro-level gear. Probably explains the discrepency between what they owe Nikon and Canon.</p>

  5. Sorry to dredge up an old post, but how big a job is it to replace the entire winder assembly (not just the crank, but the round base that the crank attaches to) on an A12 back? Just trying to make one decent back out of two not so good backs.





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