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Posts posted by djcphoto

  1. <p>Yeah, check the battery (in the body; the metered prism draws it's power from there). Also, you have to make sure the shutter speed dial on the body is set to auto. I don't have my RZ here right now, but I think it's a green dot on the speed dial, or something like that. And obviously make sure the prism is turned on!<br /> <br /> Oh, and clean the gold contacts where the prism interfaces with the body.</p>
  2. <p>Yeah, I gave up on the commonly available photographic magazines years ago too. I don't need to read the latest 'shoot-out' between the thirty new DSLR models that were launched that month (although I appreciate that some people might)!<br /><br>

    I remember when an issue of the various publications I used to read had maybe one or two camera reviews, simply because film cameras had a much longer market lifespan than todays digital bodies. This, in turn, forced the editors to find other material to fill the pages; technique articles, photographer interviews and the like. Of course, there were also the inevitable pages of ads, but even those were useful in the days before the internet!</p>

  3. <p>I agree with Jose. I don't have the time to set up and analyse extensive tests on new (or new to me) lenses. Typically I'll test them on a shoot, making sure that I have another known lens there in case there are any issues. I'll shoot a Polaroid or two (usually lighting tests that I would do anyway) and check for obvious problems, but that's the extent of it for me.</p>

    <p>To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't know how to interpret a shot of a test chart or a brick wall, but I know when a portrait looks good (sharp, contrasty, etc.)!</p>

    <p>Oops, I saw this while viewing the unified view, so my comments on exposing a Polaroid aren't valid here, but if I was using a new lens on my D2X, I'd just download a few frames and check them before continuing to use it on a shoot. Same principle!</p>

  4. <p>In the space of the last two years I've gone from 100% digital to 90% film. Like my namesake, I'm in the process of setting up my first real darkroom in over twenty years, and I'm really excited about it!<br>

    <br /> What camera? My Hasselblad 500C/M rides with me everywhere I go, but I've just picked up a 4x5 Speed Graphic, and I feel that it will rapidly become one of my favourites!</p>

  5. <p>They've redesigned the site and are having some 'teething' problems. Yes, it's frustrating, and hopefully they'll get it sorted soon. I received an email from them the other day apologising for any inconvenience, which was a nice touch. They are aware of the issues and are working on getting it fixed.</p>
  6. <p>Check the condition of the mirror damping foam at the top of the mirror box. I recently worked on an FE2 where the foam was so deteriorated that the mirror was actually sticking to the goop that was left and, when the mirror did actually try to return, it was being blocked by some stray goop that had fallen off.<br /><br />Never seen one quite that bad before, and probably not what is happening with yours, but it's worth checking (if only because it's a simple, quick and cheap repair).<br /><br />Dave</p>
  7. <p>I'm always amazed at the attitudes of some people here. I mean, what sort of posts are valid on a forum? This place would be dead (or at the very least, boring) if it weren't for the variety of questions asked here. I have as little tolerance for the intolerant as some do for the 'ignorant', so maybe the decision of some people to no longer participate in these forums is a good one.</p>
  8. <p>I use medium (or large) format all the time and have sold a lot of my digital gear as it just wasn't getting used any more. I have Hasselblad and Mamiya RZ systems and use both about equally. I love the Hassy for it's compactness and quality of results, but I also love the RZ's larger negative.</p>

    <p>This was shot on the RZ with 110mm lens on Adox Ortho 25 (which I love).<br>

    <br /><img src="http://www.djcphoto.com/images/auburn.jpg" alt="" /></p>

  9. <p>Well, I've not read the entire thread, but I did read a few of the pertinent replies from Henry Posner, and I too am a little disappointed. Saying that hiking the price means that it can be made available to people who really appreciate Kodachrome is disingenuous at best; insulting at worst. I have been a loyal customer at B+H since I moved to this country ten years ago, and I will remain so, but hiking the price on an item that is already in stock like this is a little galling.</p>

    <p>I hope that nobody involved in this pricing decision bitched about the sudden extreme rise in gas prices last year, because this is exactly the same thing. You can shout 'supply and demand' as loud as you like, but it doesn't necessarily make it right.</p>


  10. <p>Fab beat me to it. I prefer to shoot medium format film, but I still carry a small digital compact in the bag too for the typical holiday snapshots. It takes up hardly any room and I can also use it as a 'digital polaroid' when using the Hasselblad.</p>
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