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Image Comments posted by chiwaz



    Thank you Scott, 

    your reading of the picture is right. I had a first version where her legs were almost merged in the darkness of the background, but it was too heavy and murky. I think it works better like this.

  1. This is a photo that's more funny than sexy,  as the pink theme suggests :)

    I really like it, and while I agree with who said that your usual style is something to be preserved, I love as well this kind of experiments. If they're done with such taste and 'innocence', please do keep doing them from time to time.

    Overall, this photos makes me think of sugar and sweets :D

  2. Sorry, I forgot one thing.


    David: of course I know that your comments are of a qualified point of view, I was thinking of the people that just vote and pass by.
    Really, when I wrote that I wasn't thinking about you, because I know that you evaluate a photo in a deep way  :)





  3. First of all, I would like to thank everybody that stopped here to share their thoughts. I see many photographers that I admired before I started taking pictures and you really don't know how flattered I am now :)

    I tried to give this portrait some contrast between the model's physique, which has strong sexual connotation, and the light atmosphere and pastel colours. Sort of Mischief and Innocence.


    Maurizio, credevo di seguirti già, ma evidentemente no. Sono onorato di farlo. Concordo con te sui tatuaggi, ma sembra un trend a cui non si possa sfuggire.


    Maurizio, I thought I already had you in my followed list, but it seems it's not so. I'm honored to add you, of course. I agree with you about the tattoos, but it seems an unavoidable trend.


    Again, thanks to you all, you really keep me going on in this hobby :)




    Well, there is only one girl, sitting in front of a mirror, and the hand is hers...
    It was intended as a portrait of an intimate moment :)

    Thankyou for your advices :)



    Thank you David.
    I thought it was too explicit because, well... it is a close up of an ass :D

    As per the woman on the right, I'm afraid I can't do anything now, because I don't know how to remove her in postproduction -and to tell the truth I even like that. My eyes go back and forth from the front and back of the model.

    This is the original image, maybe a wider crop loses the enphasis on the shape but it gives more context.






    Thank you Jason for you articulate critique. I just would like to point out that the model is sitting in front of a mirror, so the woman on the right is her reflection. 

    Thank you again, and also thank you Alberto for your kind words :)


    Before the Match


    Thank you to both :)

    I agree with the alternative lighting, I did not thought of it at the time. I tried to put a strip flash behind on the right, but the result was not satisfying, so I sticked to this solution.

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