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Image Comments posted by chiwaz



    Your capture of these beauties is always so clean and simple that they jump out of the picture, no matter what they are doing.

    You know, you should really arrange some summer workshop, I'd be the first student :D



    Ciao niki, 

    grazie del commento. Non ti sbagli, le luci sulla sinistra sono effettivamente bruciate. C'era una lampada accesa (si intravede lo stelo) che si è irrimediabilmente sovraesposta. 

    Spero non diano troppo disturbo, ma temo che in stampa saranno senz'altro fastidiose.

    Hi niki,

    thankyou for your comment. You are right, on the left there are some higlights that are actually burnt. There was an abat-jour (you can see the wall-applique) that ended overexposed beyond recovering. 

    I hope they are not to annoying, but I'm afraid that if I print this picture, they will give this shot a bad look.



    Please view the full-size picture, it's sharper than it may appear in small



    This shot was taken about one year ago, and at the time I was not so

    satisfied, but as I stumbled upon it days ago, I thought it's not so bad :)


    Critiques and advice to improve are welcome :)




    thank you for your kind comment.


    The scene was set up with just one light from the right of the model, like a spotlight.

    The "vintage process" was achieved in Adobe Lightroom using a b/n conversion and then a split toning with a 51° tone and 25% of saturation on lights. Shadows were kept normal (0° tone, 0 saturation).

    The rest is some adjusting of curves, brightness and contrast.


    I hope I got myself clear, my english is getting vintage, also :D



    Wow Mark, thank you a lot for your detailed critique and the long list of advice.

    They are really useful to me to improve, and I'll keep them in mind for the next time.

    The pose and the composition are not so perfect because this show was taken during a session with other photographer, so we had a very short time to shoot individually. That's why the picture is not so perfect, and I remark that it has not been cropped at all, this is the whole frame as it was taken by the camera.

    Thank you again.





    I assure everyone she is in perfect shape and health :)

    The ribs are enhanced by the pose. 


    Thank you for your appreciation, I wasn't so sure of this tonal conversion.



    I would like to thank you all for your kind critiques :)


    @Brad: you are quite right about cropping the right part of the window, but I chose to keep the original aspect ratio. This picure is not cropped, it's the frame "as is", if I would crop it, I'd have to cut off some part of the model.

    You are right also about overexposing the window,  I will try out for sure :)

    Venus As a Boy


    I've posted a new version of this pic, following the advices given.


    I've done a little skin cleaning, added some sharpening, and slightly opened

    the shadows. Thank you for critiques and more advices :)

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