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Mark Keefer

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Mark Keefer

    Fishing in the Zone


    This was cropped out of a larger photo that can be seen in my portfolio.

    It was a cold sunrise at Core Creek Park. It wasn't until I was

    looking at this on the computer that the idea to crop this and achieve

    an interesting photo came to me. Anyway, comments welcome.

    Katie G

    Good use of shadow, lighting, color and placement of the model with this pose. A good looking model is always a plus too. :) Good work to you and the model.

    Crazy Horse

    Great photo! This is a high energy shot, you can feel this cowboy couldn't been in for a wilder ride if he had strapped himself to the back of a rocket! Nice work. - Mark
  1. Nice shot Mariusz. A little risky, could you not have achieved the same effect with a telephoto at the end of the run way, though perhaps without the adrenaline rush. :) Looking at your portfolio, you are a "Right Stuff" guy. Awesome photos! If I tried this here, air port security would be taking me away. A fun idea would be to get a shot of you holding your camera and running toward the viewer, Photo Shopped in front of the plane, remember the Cary Grant Movie, North by Northwest. LOL. Great story with this photo, thanks for sharing. Good work. - Mark


    Great capture! That pose is perfect. The depth of field is right on. With the back ground out of focus and the sharp contrast there is a 3D feel to this photo almost like looking through a 3D view master. The cat pops right out of the back ground. One of the best wild life photos I have seen. Good work. - Mark
  2. You have the camera setting right, you captured this well, it is an interesting arch and barrel but it just needs a little more in the photo. This is a great set/location for an interesting character to give this photo purpose. You could make this into a great photo. The light, shadows and color are captured perfectly.

    With the right character put into this you could knock our socks off.

  3. Great shot. The contrast of the black and white against the back ground is good. That red eye is intense. I like how the light reflects off the ripples and the reflection. Very good photo and well framed. Good work. - Mark



    Ali, why would you do this when it was not necessary. If you really wanted to use Saul's sky for your background, email him and ask for permission. If Saul said no it would not have been the end for your idea. There are beautiful skies, sunsets and sunrises hundreds of times a year. These beautiful images are provided free, all you need to do is take the shot with your camera and that image is your copyrighted image. I hope this will be a lesson learned for you and a mistake you will never repeat. Unfortunately you have damaged your reputation and it is a shame, you do have artistic talent but people will question your work. Is that image really Ali's, are the camels and sand really Ali's image or did he get them from another photographers work? I hope you can some how make amends with Saul and go on and never do this again.


    I hope this will serve as a valuable lesson, not only to you but to anyone who contemplates stealing a little piece of someone else's work and putting their name on it. It is wrong, it damages reputations and for what...a picture of the sky?! This is something you can take a photo of almost any day of the year. Think people, get permission or do it all on your own. This is not rocket science, it is common sense.

    Bryn Athyn

    Thanks Les, I was going to look that up and correct it but I got side tracked and went out. Thanks and I corrected it. Terry, I agree I think the white gray sky does not help. I will stop back on a nice sunny day or possibly a red sky morning or when there are dark thunderstorm clouds overhead and shoot this again. It is an interesting building, but the photo is dull, I did like how the snow was on the roof though. The feed back is appreciated. :)

    Maui dog

    Nice photo, good pose. Looks like just after eating. I think the ears could have been a little sharper, the focus could have been moved back a little so instead of from the front paws to the nose it would have been from the nose to the ears would have improved the photo. Still, it is a nice shot. I like that you caught the licking of the chops just right.
  4. I am putting this up only to share. Not really for critique or rating.

    I am actually a little disappointed it was not sharper. Auto focus on

    the Digital Rebel XT with 300 mm lens did a poor job, manual focus

    with the small view finder on the moon and stars is a gamble. Even

    looking at the LCD image captured is to small to be sure, I really

    need the computer. If it had not been so cold I would have taken out

    my Notebook computer and done remote shooting and played with the

    focus, but it was just to darn cold. I am just glad I got to snap a

    few shots of the event.

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