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Image Comments posted by dwoel

  1. I really like the composition on this. The tones and contrast between the metal and wood make the shot work well. I might try to tone down the light wood just a touch as it seems to overpower the scene just a bit. That's just personal preference I suppose. Still a very nice presentation.


    Wow, that's one contortionist bird. I've seen terns flip themself over in mid-air just before diving. They are very acrobatic indeed.Great image as always.


    Nice shot with good impact. Have you tried converting to B&W? Might be a really powerful shot with the right contrast. Of course that's just my opinion. Very nice


    I like the monotone used heare. I see that you do several images this way, I think the patterns and lighting make this particular image stand out a bit from some others. Regards
  2. I'm glad that you presernt this in B/W. It really works well this way. The shot has strong composition elements. The only distration to me is the light diagonal line through the dark cloud on the right side, and that is very minor. Regards
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