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Image Comments posted by dwoel


    I rteally like these close in shots. I usually refer to them as the "picture within the picture" This is a great example. Love the large depth of field. There's got to be a story in this rusted relic.


    Very soft soothing colors. A very calming shot. Well done, but just a bit of tension on the right edge with the one flower cut off. Just my thoughts. Regards.....Dave


    Very nice image with strong color. This is quite simiar to a dahlia shot that I have in my portfolio, so I might be a bit predjudiced. I definately like this shot though.
  1. Great point of view for this. I think it would be well worth a revisit. Would be fun to capture crisp like this one and maybe a blurred motion shot. Day /Nght, could turn into a whole essay with the capabilities of the 40D and your talent. By the way, must have taken some real concentrated effort to get this angle AND not get other amusement distractions in the shot. The only one disturbing is the lower right corner dark spot.

    view larger

    Very nice shot. It's really difficult to hold detail in a bird like this and not blow the highlights. The shoulder and neck on this guy are a little lost, but at the same time I really prefer the detail you've kept in his back and wing. Just my rambling thoughts, thanks for sharing the shot.


    I like this one quite a bit. The vignieting works well with this particular image. Nice imagination on top of a crisp shot. Well done.


    Very nice. I particularly like the placement of the horizon line, and the long exposure adds just enough softness to the water. Congratulations
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