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Image Comments posted by srapson

    Erg Chebi III


    Great color in the dunes... would be a stronger image if the sky was a pure, deep blue.


    If you have a chance to reshoot I'd suggest going on a clear day.



    Thank you both for your suggestions... it's always nice to get constructive critiques instead of "Nice photo!".


    Localized contrast is a little difficult in the sky as I quickly start running into noise. Unfortunately the P&S camera that I shot this with didn't leave me with as clean of an image as I'd like. I tried a little burning and it does help some with mood, but there's not much detail left to pull out in the clouds.


    Perhaps I need to work on my B/W conversion a bit, I think the noise might be mostly contained in one of the channels.


    Asla, for your composition critique, is your suggestion to shoot further to the left so as to pull both subjects more to the center of the frame? I could see how that would allow the eye to travel between the subjects a bit more, unfortunately I think it's physically impossible as further left= downhill. I guess I could widen the shot a bit, but it may feel a bit loose then.



    Interesting and well done.


    Is this a combination of two pics? What did you do to get that effect in the background? Strip it out and bump the contrast/brightness way up?



    Excellent subject... too bad the reflections blew out the details on the coins. I would lean towards a slightly shallower depth of field to draw the eye to your main subject a touch more.


    Dock at Sunrise

    Possibly crop out some of the shore? I don't feel like it adds anything to the image and some of the clutter from leaves etc. pulls your attention from the main subject.
  1. Thanks for the suggestions... I'm pretty new to this and definitely looking for (constructive) criticism. I do wish that the sky wasn't overexposed, I was having trouble getting a good idea from the back screen. As far as sharpness goes, do you mean running a sharpening filter or getting a sharper initial photo. I took this shot with my tripod standing in the surf, so I might have lost some sharpness to shake. Anyway I'll sharpen and saturate and see how that goes.

    Rows of Red 4

    What are those bushes? That's a pretty brilliant red. I'd try filling up the foreground with those rows, I don't think the trees add enough interest to justify the empty sky that comes with them.
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