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Image Comments posted by clarence1


    I like this series with the kids and the old vehicles. Great warmth and saturation... muted yet vivid... dark yet bright... old yet young.

    Winner's Circle

    Don't worry... the dirt on his face wasn't from a fall... it was just dirt kicked up from the horses that were in the lead earlier in the race. He came from behind to win. There are a couple of other pictures in my portfolio that show how much loose dirt was on the track (but well-groomed and fast).
  1. Great crop as usual Shawn. My framing was straight out of the camera and originally seemed close enough as was, but after seeing your crop, I like the way the fingers form the square frame, plus you removed the distracting wristwatch and the frogs foot (which I kinda liked, but it's a much cleaner image without it.) Ideally I'd prefer not to have the scrap of grass on the frog's face.


    This was my new 70-200 f4/L IS... I previously had a non-IS... I'm really enjoying the upgrade. This one was in the XTi macro mode, using a 550EX as fill.


    I was pleasantly surprised at the detail in his fingers (including the typical dirt and worm guts that a 9 y.o. boy gets during a week of camping).

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