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Posts posted by a._j._jacobs

  1. <p>I love the photos with emotion, the ones that show the couple is actually in love and happy to be engaged. :) When I shoot couples, I usually do it on location. Sometimes I pretend to be setting up or scouting a place to shoot, then snap when the couple is being cute on their own. I guess it's hard sometimes to feel lovey in front of a lens. Sometimes I act goofy and tell them to act like they like each other, etc...that usually gets the big happy smiles and laughs that can also make good photos.</p>
  2. <p>I think it's very coherent. Even without you saying anything about what was wrong with your nephew, looking through the photos you see the baby has something wrong with his chest, worried-looking sleepy parents, a procedure, then the baby healing. I feel like you can tell the emotions that are going on with each photo and that the sequence of photos goes from a stressed, worried emotion, to a healing, happier emotion. Just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth. I always like photos with emotion. :)</p>
  3. <p>Get a hotshoe adaptor, it's a cheaper solution if you can't afford wireless triggers. Flashzebra.com sells them for like $14 and Lon there is super nice, and very helpful! :) Make sure to get the right one, I ordered the wrong one first which is frustrating!<br>

    PS I shoot with Xsi and an AB and this is what I did. :)</p>

  4. <p>I buy online, there aren't many options of good camera shops in Vegas..<br>

    The bad thing about selling on ebay are the fees: listing fee, commission, and if you use paypal they get a cut too. If you are selling a lot of items it won't be as big of a problem. I notice a lot of people sell on Craigslist. I actually have done it myself-no shipping, and no one gets a cut. :)</p>

  5. <p>Call the museum, they would be able to tell you. We have a MTM out here in Vegas, but I've never taken my DSLR in there. I do know from experience with other museums/preserves that they have certain policies on photography and commercial useage, like one place out here said I could take all the photos I wanted for personal use, but if I wanted to use them commercially there would be a fee. Could be the same with Madame Tusseaud's.</p>
  6. <p>This has happened to my 430 EX II TWICE! The first time I changed the batteries and it was fine. This time, I haven't gotten around to messing with it. But this time it stopped working during a shoot. :-P Are you using rechargeable batteries? I have a theory that it has something to do with that, but I haven't purchased any non-rechargeable batteries to test the theory.<br>

    I hope you get an answer!</p>

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