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Posts posted by byron_fry1

  1. I was planning on pulling it because I have heard it gives less grain and I wouldn't mind using

    a slower film. Would I be better to try some other film? I am happy with dc 110 and I have

    had some alright results, but I have just got into this and I want to expirement a bit.

    One other question, would a local photo store carry efke 25? I have heard good things about

    htis film, espeically when scanning and I would love to give it a try.

  2. hmm, thanks guys, this is what I have found so far with my next roll.

    Slightly less speckling or white dots. It seems to collect in the bottom corners of the neg, and is like this on all my photographs so I have a feeling it may have to do with improper washing in those areas. Though because of the extra care I took this time, I came out with almost no scratches on the film.

    I will try another roll again soon, hopefully they will get better. I will be sure to follow all your great advice.

  3. Could be the drying, they are in my shower... It was my first roll, and was less so then on some images so I have taken better care this time, used a new fixer (even though the old one was brand new) and used distilled water in the wetting agent, so it is drying right now and we will see.
  4. Hi guys,

    Just processed and scanned my first roll of tri-x. I used dc 110 b dilution,

    kodak indicator stop bath, and ilford rapid fixer, then washed with a hypo, then

    used a wetting agent.


    My problem now is that, besides little obvious mistakes like a watermark or

    scratch here and there, I have a lot of little white speckles all over my

    photos, at first I thought maybe dust, but there is just so much of it and they

    are pure white that they could not be dust? I am wondering if maybe I did

    something developing to create this effect?

    Sorry I cannot upload photos today, as I am using a dialup connection and it

    will take a year.

    Thanks for any help.

  5. "And why do the Mennonite pictures leave you cold?"

    Because they aren't trying to kill one another probably.

    And please stop mixing your metaphors, a Canadian is different than an american if your going to be superficial.Of course we are all still made of molecules.


    P.S. It was very hard no to end this post with "You Freak!"

  6. Hey guys, I am buying a nikon coolscan V in the next few days to accompany my

    m6. Before I do this though, I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on

    this scanner for me? I have read lots of posts about it and it seems the only

    notable 35mm dedicated scanner. Would I be better so much better off with the

    step up in the nikon line? I will be scanning both black and white and colour,

    but primarly black and white for the time being. I can get a new one here for

    675 CAD. Thanks and any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Hey guys, I am buying a nikon coolscan V in the next few days to accompany my

    m6. Before I do this though, I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on

    this scanner for me? I have read lots of posts about it and it seems the only

    notable 35mm dedicated scanner. Would I be better so much better off with the

    step up in the nikon line? I will be scanning both black and white and colour,

    but primarly black and white for the time being. I can get a new one here for

    675 CAD.

    Thanks and any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Hey guys,

    No I have not heard about the leica that was chucked against the wall. But I have seen a poster of a leica stuck underneath the tire of a ferrari,underneath was written something like "try doing this with you slr"

    So, a few more questions. Where should I buy the developing stuff, can I get some of it at a department store or should I get it all at a camera store like Lens and Shutter.

    And now if I buy this stuff, and develop my film and all goes well and I have a roll negatives in a case-this is a really stupid question, totally a newb here- what do I do with it to get my pictures?

    Can I take the negative and get it printed somewhere? Or scanned? I don't have anything more than just a shifty printer/scanner set up and I don't have the cash banked to buy a scanner now. So, anyone have any ideas?

  9. I think I will try the ilford xp2 for my first two or three rolls. Then I swear, I will dive straight into developing my own. Don't forget, coming off digital, the patience needed and the surmounting excitement after waiting for film to develop will kill me.
  10. Hi guys, after much deliberation, I am buying a used m6 with a 35mm lens tonight

    for $2000. I got it off rff from a guy in toronto. Seems in really nice shape.

    Now, what do I need to get ready? Film wise I am going to buy some tri x 400,

    does anyone have any other reccomendations. I think I will get it processed

    first, can I do this just anywhere or do I need to get it done at a professional

    lab? Eventually I want to start developing it myself, and the possibly buy a

    nikon coolscan or another 35mm scanner. Anyone have any advice?

  11. Hi guys,

    I have been listening, even if it has been entirely silent. I am still as unsure as ever in all of this. I am now considering sinking myself into a D3. I am looking to make some sort of living off this as soon as I can. A huge part of me wants the Leica, and wants to have things that simple. But I also have training in digital. I forgot to mention I just graduated from Western Academy of Photography's Photojournalism program.

    I had just recently given up the idea of the leica, and now am unsure again. I am a ways away from getting a bigger digital, as the avaiability is scarce and the same with money.

    I can borrow from my parents, but I will have to work it off with two jobs.

    I see all these points, especially about competing in this world. I don't quite know what to do.

    Also, the man who mentioned uvic, what else can you tell me?

  12. Hi, I recently had my D200 destroyed on a canoe trip. So here I am, stranded

    without a camera and waiting till nikon releases their d300, when I have this

    thought, why not branch off into a new direction. Since I have picked up a

    camera last year when I was 18, I have been drawn towards photojournalism and

    documentary photography. Of course, along with that comes a draw to the leica M,

    and up until now, I have always found a reason not to try and buy one. Mainly

    because I have so much money invested in my Nikon gear already. But now that I

    am sort of just floating here, I might be able to jump ship and teach myself

    film. I have only ever shot digital, and am slightly worried, but feel I can

    overcome the challenge.

    The reason for buying a Leica that is a very deciding factor is that, because

    Leicas have a fairly steady value, if I find I suck at, or hate film, I can

    always sell it and buy a digital again.

    So I need some advice. My thoughts from what I have read would be an M3 with a

    50 or 35mm ( The wider the better for me, but the widest seem way out of my

    league for so early a foray into leica). There is a M3 available at a local

    store for 829, which seems quite an alright price. I want something that will

    work, and last, as I plan to travel with it, but I don't care about cosmetics

    and I want something cost effective as well. I am not interested in buying ebay

    really, I have had to many bad experiences with lower cost items like a bunk

    minolta autocord. I would rather spend more than risk all that mumbo jumbo again.

    So, any help friends?

    Thank you.


    PS, if you want to know what sort of photographer I am, check my website,

    www.byronfryphoto.com It has mostly landscapes from this summer, but might give

    you an idea on who I am and what kind of advice you can provide.

    Thank you all so much.

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