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Image Comments posted by gmahler5th


    Lighting is perfect!!! Great angle!!! Beautiful model!!! Just one preference: please consider posting a smaller image next time, so the medium sized image fits on the screen without having to scroll down.

    The Needle

    Could use longer exposure. Try increasing your aperature to f8 or f11 and then bracket your shutter speeds in manual mode. Try the following shutter speeds: 1/30, 1/2, and 1 second. A tripod would be nice for this particular composition.

    The look


    I am honestly jealous whenever I see such beautiful pictures from digital photographers! I am a staunch film advocate, and I have one less reason for using digital when I view this portrait.


    You captured a wonderful facial expression, which is just sincere and candid! I would hope to see more of the surroundings for context, but this image holds it's on quite nicely.

    Willow Light


    Lovely model, although her hands are clinched and her mood seems indifferent. Wish she were more relaxed.


    The backlighting seems a little overbearing because it, nor the crop allows us to see many details in the model's face.


    Overall great composition idea! perhaps a tighter crop, and help the model to relax and smile more next time! :-)

  1. I like the sunset. I think the expanse of rocky foreground distracts the eye from the sunset as a focal point. I think I would have tried to tilt the camera upward, or use a longer lens to get past the rocky foreground.
  2. I like the overall effect in this image. Effective use of filters, and lenses on the Coolpix. The child's face shows rather contemplative, and I like it! As a environment portrait, apparently candid, I think the facial expression is suitable for the mood.


    Great Photoshop work, too!

  3. When I first saw this, I made it the wallpaper for my laptop. After reflecting on this image for awhile, I can't escape the feeling that it is perhaps the most perfect landscape photo that I have ever seen. I love the lighting, and especially the color of the clouds. I have truly been inspired by browsing through your portfolio!
  4. I'm sure that somewhere this image could be used in print, but I give it a low asthetic rating because I don't like the front lighting of the trees...it just takes away from the fuller experience of the moonlight by night.


    Ratings are higher on originality, because you obviously put thought into what result you wanted to achieve, and seem to have accomplished your objective. I myself have never played around with long exposure photography, but you have creted an effective image using this technique.


    Technicaly speaking, good job amigo. Don't let my distaste for the front lighting discourage you from your experimentations. If anything, this image could go into a textbook on photography, because the difference between front and back lighting, natural and incandescent lighting is so obvious.

  5. I enjoy this photo very much! In fact, if I measure its success by my ability to guess what the subject is without reading your caption, it is very successful! Who could mistake this character for anything other than a street jazz musician from the south? I can hear the notes!


    Not only that, I enjoy the tonalities and the cropping here. My only wish is that both eyes were in focus, and that you had shifted your perspective slightly towards the front of your subject.


    Great work!

    Skies III


    I love the contrast of the clouds and the ground! Those clouds look daunting, like a rainstorm is ready to happen anytime! I'm sure this will look great in a large print!


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