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Image Comments posted by kareng

    the stare down


    I love that look. Reminds me of my niece who is 15. Like this a lot in B&W with the extra contrast (I'm assuming that's what it is.) Good stuff.


    I submitted a shot in Humor just for you.



    To My Critics


    Gail.. that is a full frame of the hindparts of a Pygmy Hippo.


    Glad y'all like it. :) Bugger wouldn't turn around so I started snapping shots anyway.



    sea turtle


    Actually... the picture is huge, I think you could crop this tighter without too much noise. It took me a bit to find the turtle, but that's only because the shot is so big. It would really help this shot if it were cropped tighter to give the photo an obvious subject. Love it though, nice timing too. He's cute!



    Lily No. 1


    Agreed. I'm not as creative with flowers as I am with other things. I like the softness in this shot though, but I'm still learning how to take good floral shots.


    Thanks for stopping by.. check out some of my other stuff.. more creative. :)



  1. I'm really bothered by this one. I feel like the idea was cool but the execution wasn't so great. In my own defense it was really dark inside the cathedral and it was hard to stay still for the extended shutter times.



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