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Image Comments posted by kareng

  1. Jef, thanks for looking and taking the time to comment. I am glad you liked this.


    Dennis, Thanks so much for commenting and I'm glad you liked it.


    Micki, Thanks! I can't believe the response I got off this. :) I actually didn't dodge and burn at all, I just went back to the untouched original image and reworked it. I straightened it a bit and did quite a bit of sharpening work. I also saturated it some, but not too much. The blues just came out on their own. Glad you liked it.



  2. Drew, Eduardo, Thank you, I'm glad that you liked my work on this. And thank you for taking the time to rate and make comments, I really appreciate it.


    Tony, Thanks for taking the time to comment. I agree that this one is much better. Not rude at all.. the other one just didn't cut it for me either, it needed work. I'm glad you enjoyed this. The sense of space and volume is what I was going for when I reworked this.. glad it worked. :)



  3. Joseph,


    Thanks as always for stopping by. Glad you liked this. I felt like the skinny crop was more disorienting, maybe even bordering on abstract.. where this crop really gives perspective to the enormity of the architecture in the cathedral. I think the crop could go either way, but I am leaning towards this one. Glad you enjoyed it!





    Thanks Dave. I really like my idea here but I'm not so sure about the final product. I will probably redo this and maybe version 2 will be even better. I don't like how the image falls apart on the left near the ear.. I think I need to rework that a little bit.


    Glad you liked it!



    Double Helix


    That is indeed a unique approach. After I took a picture of the very same thing, I looked around to see what others had done with it as well. I opted for the straight up the middle approach. Had a knee injury that required surgery a month later, I was not about to walk all the way up to the top. I've seen a couple others like mine but not too many. I like mine but it seems to have come up short for me.


    I've not seen any from your perspective. What does it for me is the way the levels seem to converge at the same point. The whole thing is just awesome, the treatment is perfect. The composition is excellent. While I recognized the architecture immediately, I haven't seen it from this perspective in anyone elses work. Very nice.



    Shadow Golf


    Micki.. you crack me up. You rock.


    Andrew... I kinda like this. I think if you took this idea on an image that was more simple, it might work better. With this effect it's hard to differentiate the close trees from the ones further off, etc and it becomes busier than you might have intended. In color it's probably a simple image, but with this effect it's very busy. Imagine if you had just one tree in the frame, much closer, and with the sky the way it is behind it. That would be sick. (That's a good thing.)



    Camo Spider


    Brandi.. Joseph.. thanks for your comments. This little guy was pretty annoyed with me. He was out in the middle of his web looking for dinner when I spotted him. Got some really cool silhouettes, then he got annoyed and tried to hide from me. I thought he was cute!



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