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Image Comments posted by lostinspace


    The boat, mood and lighting are fantastic, I just wish the sky and reflection were less blurry. I guess there is always a trade off somewhere. In this case it was the long exposure coupled with some wind speed. It is still an outstanding image, the composition is great. Best regards, Hugh Price.

    Berlin XI

    What a strong image, great capture. It is slightly out of line though, if you could just straighten it up it would get a better rating from me.....and I have already rated it high!!! Best regards, Hugh Price.

    Gonga Sain


    Is this a Saddhu? I like this image a lot because of all the lines and links to this mans head and soul.....sorry, I sound a bit hippy.


    But if you look, there is a lot of connection with the outer elements to the main subject. In fact the tree looks like it is growing out of his head, and then you have the red thing coming out of his eye, then the drum stay, then the line into the back of his head......phew.


    Great moment in time. Can you tell me any more about this image? Best regards, Hugh Price.


    Hi, he was practically asleep, he has just started preschool and it really takes it out of him. Thanks for commenting, Best regards,,l Hugh Price.


    Great DOF for a macro shot, I also really like the abstract play of the shadows of the stamens. All set against that wonderful backdrop of those incredible petals. Thanks for sharing. Best regards, Hugh Price.
  1. You are right, but we are a sentimental species, so full of empathy. But also apathy too, funny lot aren't we? This poor little mite looks like it needs a good dinner, some veterinary attention, and a whole lot of loving! Best regards, Hugh Price.


    Hi Pedro, I like this very much. "Teasles" as they are called here in the UK have a long history with the woolen industries that where a very important source of our countries wealth and prosperity for centuries. They where used to "card" the wool before the spinning into yarns. Carding was basically combing out any detritus in the fleece, and straightening out the individual fibers into parallel, making it easier to spin. They have such a wonderful presence to them, so architectural, so stand-offish. I really like the background, did you blur it more than the original DOF, or posterize it a bit in Photoshop? Best regards, Hugh Price.

    tulip 25

    Your one is heaven, so fresh and new. The colours are amazing. My one is all washed out and nearly finished, yours is just beginning! Interesting to see there are no crenelations on the edge of the petals, is this because it is undeveloped (biologically), or is it a variant. The ones we have in our garden a very crenelated. Best regards, Hugh Price.

    Post Turtle

    Nice shot of a turtle. Personally I think it looks more like Hilary Clinton asking Bill what he wants for his dinner! " Another helping of American pie, darling"? As for 75 year old ranchers, well isn't it time to move on from those heady days of white supremacy? God forbid, maybe a native Indian will run next!

    Swiss cottage

    Nice shot, but the house looks like it's falling over. Is this how it was, or do you need to straighten the image a bit? Best regards, Hugh Price.
  2. Inspiration indeed, what a beautiful muse. Personally I would have cropped out the conductor(?). Just having her heavenly face looking to the distance. Pretty feisty for a classical musician. Well captured. Best regards, Hugh Price.
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