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Image Comments posted by lostinspace

    in frames

    Do you spend every night wandering around the streets of your home town???? Well it pays off, great compostion and angle. A feast for the eyes, well done. Best regards, Hugh Price.


    Good shot, I love the right hand side, it looks like some kind of ghostly apparition covering the cliff. Well done. Best regards, Hugh Price.

    Busy Bee


    Oops, sorry, I didn't mean it that my image should appear on the critiques, it was just meant to be a link.....how the hell did that happen....can anyone enlighten me?


    Busy Bee


    Great shot, I saw this very bee the other day, but I couldn't get it as good as you...I didn't have my macro with me. Even if I did I still wouldn't have got it this good. Well done. Best regards, Hugh Price.



    This has some 3D elements to it, I like the way you disregard the norm. Great stuff Christopher, there isn't one shot in your portfolio that I don't like. Best regards, Hugh Price

    Luz de Luna

    This has an ethereal feel to it, does the title mean Light Of The Moon? It certainly looks like it. I'd love to know the specifics of the shot, like how long was the exposure, ISO etc, etc. Well done, best regards, Hugh Price.
  1. Thank you all. Your comments are very helpful, I see that the decision is fairly well split, maybe erring slightly towards this version. For me it is just a matter of how best to get across the sweetness of our very short summer here in the UK. It is so strange, it feels like we have only just begun our summer, but in under 2 weeks time it will be the summer solstice, meaning our longest day, so from that day on we will head into winter again. More rain, more grey dim dank light, cold and windy......hell, I'm off to the tropics. Some kind of continuity would be great. Any way, thanks again for all your opinions. Best regards, Hugh Price
  2. Thank you all, but I feel it is still inconclusive. I am leaning towards this one, just for it's structural strength. But if I think of it in terms of the title I gave it, then it should really be the colour version, basically because here in the UK summer is all about life and colour and the vigour of nature that lasts just a few short months. Summer's Brief Veil!!!


    Great compositional shot, the wide angle is doing weird things with the buildings. It is not a problem for me as I think the main focus and interest is the fantastic tree. I like it a lot, well done. Best regards, Hugh Price.

    Wild Horses


    This is my three year old son greeting a wild mare that we have

    befriended over the last 6 monthes, her foal is just out of shot.


    6 & 6 anonymously rated, can't change that now, but I came back for another look and thought I'd comment too. I love the structure and composition, so abstract. Great DOF, very sharp, and so textural. Well done all round. Best regards, Hugh Price.


    Very quirky, it has a real air of mystery. Like the old film noires, a bit grainy and unfocused, but carrying some weight to the ambiguity. Best regards, Hugh Price.
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