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Image Comments posted by lostinspace

  1. Dominic,


    Thanks for your reply. I love IR and have recently purchased an IR filter for my Canon 5D (unaltered), on the advice of various websites that said it would work. Unfortunately I have only had to try it out once and it didn't work at all, all I got was a corrupted file that couldn't be opened. It may be the day I tried it out was pretty dull with not much light around.


    Any ideas? Or have you only ever used converted cameras?


    Many thanks




    Rame Head1

    Long time no see!....Thank you for your edit, it makes a big difference. I'm really sorry I have been so wrapped up in a new line of work that I haven't been able to contribute here for ages....I used to have a 3 film roll standard for critique contribution, I now have none.....seems a bit harsh as it has only been a few months....but things have changed around here, big time. Gone are the days of a small cozy site, it seems this has hit the big time now, I can't keep track of things on photo.net any more! Do you feel the same? Or have I missed something. When I offer a photo up for critique it just seems to get lost in a million other photos, instantly. It's good to hear from you again, Hugh.

    Water drop

    I love your exposure on this, to capture that droplet with such soft lighting, and yet keep that sultry dusky light on the Arums.......excellent. Thank you for sharing. Best regards, Hugh Price.
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