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Image Comments posted by jennifer_catron



    Okay guys, Im usually a wedding photographer, but this off season I am

    concentrating on portraits. Would love some advice how to make this and

    my other work stand out from the rest. Looking for something that is MY


    Child's dream


    I absolutely love the lighting here, the set is splendid, with much attention to detail. I am sure that any mother and father would adore this image. Congrats!




    Okay, Im taking a risk here with this crop and wanted to see what others

    thought. I think it is breaking a few rules, but in a pleasing way. What do

    you guys think?



    The lighting here is the biggest issue. It's too fake, too harsh and the composition doesn't lend itself to wanting to look at it more than a fraction of a second.



    I like the fact that this isn't a nice neat tidy shot. Composition is a little haphazard, but for this photograph the message is all about haphazard so it works nicely. HDR is not too overdone, and the lighting adds to the character of the shot.

    After dark


    I love the reflection here, and the lights are done well. HDR processing isn't overdone, the only thing that I think would make this a little nicer would be some kind of detail in the sky. It's a nice clean photograph, but lacks that extra punch that would make it over the top.

  1. I love this! Excellent composition, Intelligent use of HDR, not too overdone, highlights nicely manipulated to pull them back in. If you're interested in forming a group of photographers who critique each other's work on a regular basis let me know. We used to be very active on here many years ago, but most people are skipping the critique process and just giving ratings. Ive been trying to talk to some of the other photographers whose work I think shows that they know  what they are talking about, and seeing if we can get the group active again. 

  2. this is a beautiful shot. I would love for you to take a look at my work and give some honest and helpful critiques. We used to have a pretty tight knit group on here that would critique other people's work, however since I turned pro, I haven't had that much time to get on here and keep up with critiquing. I would love to see some of the ones on here become more active in the process. 



    I absolutely adore this shot. Great lines, composition, exposure, and tonal quality. I would love for you to take a peak at my work and truly critique it. I am one of the original photo.netters and unfortunately I haven't been able to find the time lately to stay active. When I first joined it was just a hobby, but Ive been a wedding photographer now since 2007 doing about 45 weddings per year. I would love to get some of the other people on here back in the habit of critiquing each other's work. I must say it was the professionals on here that took the time to ream my work that made the kind of photographer I am today. If you're interested in pulling in some of the great talent again and becoming active in critiquing other people's work on here, let me know. I really admire your work and think you would make a great instructor/teacher/critique person. 



    I am pretty new at photographing babies, and I know all the rage is the

    cheesecloth wraps or naked babies but I found I can't stand to make babies

    cry. I would much rather have them comfortable in clothes and nice and

    toasty warm, so this is what I have.



     I absolutely love everything about this. You have a top notch piece in this one. The composition albeit intricate works perfectly here. Love, love love



    What is striking here is the DOf. I also love the composition, it really works for me. You've got quite a bit of spider web on the image though that isn't really formed and this makes it a bit messy. Other than that, it's a great shot. 



    The only thing here that would make it better would be a more shallow depth of field. Try using a 2.8 or 1.4. Great image though. Keep up the good work.

    Version 1


    The first thing that I notice is lots and lots of commotion in the form of lines. Composition most times is about what you take OUT of a photograph. So cropping in close to the face would have been ideal here. Second thing is your depth of field. One way to eliminate unwanted "stuff" in your photo is to use a very shallow depth of field. 1.4 would have been ideal but 2.8 would suffice. The third thing is the white balance here. It's very cool as in blue. Portraits can always benefit from a little warmth. Hope this helps. 

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