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Posts posted by tom_bowling1664874721

  1. Hi I've had an e410 for about a month now. It's my first digital slr (I've had a 7Mpixel Canon Ixus P&S).

    The thing is, I just feel it lacks sharpness all round. Anyone else had this problem? Anyone suggest a

    really crisp lens for it? In the past on film cameras I've always used primes... I wonder if it's just a zoom

    thing. Of course I did switch off all that noise reduction stuff and takes photos in RAW.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I am quite aware how an slr works - I started in photography more

    than 30 years ago. The little Olympus - my first dslr - just seems very noisy, so I

    presumed there was some sound effect going on to convince us the picture was taken, like I

    have in my Canon Ixus. I've spoiled myself over recent years with a Mamiya 7 is the

    problem... any sound after that is loud. I've got to say the lens that comes with the e410 is

    a bit of a disappointment too. It's a bit soft - difficult to explain. Not technically soft, just

    lacks bite. Ah well. It was cheap.

  3. Has anyone figured out a way to turn off the sound of the e410? I like the camera - small, light - but

    the resounding slap! everytime I press the shutter is driving me mad. If I need a sound to tell me the

    camera's fired I'd like it to be Like my Rollei tlr, please... or no sound at all!

  4. I recently bought a Bronica S2, barely used, cheap and beautifully made. I've dev'd a couple of films from

    it and they seem to be the tiniest bit soft in the focus. Now, my other cameras are a Rolleiflex T with a

    Ziess lens and a Mamiya 7II. I know both of these are particularily sharp. But if there was a problem with

    the Bronica, where do you think it might be?

  5. Hi,

    I have an Epson 1290 which has banding only in the black single

    cartridge (actually they are all black, since I use a Lyson b&w set

    with it, but you know what I mean). I've cleaned, purged, printed out

    purge type pages, but whatever I do I still get stuck with this

    problem. I was told windolene (perhaps windex in the us) would work

    and I have got some to try. But how do you get to the bottom side of

    the print head in the Epson? Ive cleaned from the inside no prob and

    windolene definitely gets some dried ink off. This is taking so long

    and has used so much ink and paper I'm thinking it might be cheaper

    just to get another printer!

  6. If you go to an optical technician with your optometrist's prescription they can figure out a viewfinder lens which will work for you. By optical technician I mean the guy who makes the spectacles - usually to be found in Yellow Pages. Best of luck
  7. I have this lens and have become used to using the 50mm viewfinder off the camera - like a cinematographer's viewer - and then using the camera viewfinder for the final moment. It means you can compose without having to keep screwing the viewfinder on to the camera, and you soon get used to the difference between the two.
  8. Has anyone else had problems with what looks like vignetting from the

    lens shade on the 50mm lens with a Mamiya 7II? I've just got my first

    couple of rolls of film back with this camera and I can't figure out

    what I've done wrong. Thanks in advance for any replies.


  9. I'll be relying on the help I get from you guys and whatever I can figure out for myself! >>

    Hm. Why not try one of those former treee things in a library near you? Relying on what you can figure out yourself may turn out to be a slow process.

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