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Image Comments posted by whosecameraisforpix

    Magic hat

    Agree that a 3/3 rating for this is unfair. Love the idea and the creativity. I would also suggest erasing what looks like an eyebrow above the right eyeglass frame. Excellent work!


    Great shot. As this is your first picture on PN, I am eager to see more. Love the idea, and the way you have composed it -excellent work!
  1. I think this is a fabulous capture. The tone, lighting, composition are terrific. Personally, I would perhaps crop it just a tad off the bottom, but definitely a keeper! Was this part of the antelope canyon? Great shot - congrats.

    The last boat

    This is one of my favorite pictures. If viewed on 'larger' you can see the bugs hovering above the plant, and the range is from 'bugs' to distant 'mountains', at a time when a storm is brewing and the last boat just...waits...!

    Grains of salt


    We have often heard the phrase 'take it with a grain of salt'. Having a new macro lens, I

    decided to see these grains of salt for real - and here is the result. It was fun taking

    this picture and I have encountered the DOF wall, and am learning immensely as a

    photographer. Thanks for viewing, and would love to hear what you think.

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