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Image Comments posted by rachelfoster



    I have a very similar shot of a building just before undergoing renovation. Yours is crisper, and I particularly like the detail of the plant material in the right side. The shadowing is also a nice touch.


    This is particularly helpful since I'll be able to compare the two side by side and see details you've included/omitted that I did not.

    Frozen Specimen

    Perhaps it's my minimalist bent. I want the icicle and nothing but the icicle. "Don't overload my wee brain with overly much stimulation" seems to be my mantra. That doesn't mean anything but that my bias is plain backgrounds. Backgrounds can be done in such a way as to exponentially increase the image's impact, as Fred shows so well so often. So, don't let my bias sway you. If this is the image you envision, that's exactly what it should be.



    I'm looking forward to it. This image I think sends an important message. Is it propaganda? A cynic once said propaganda is anything you don't agree with. The message there is clear: Everything that tries to influence is propaganda of a sort.


    I've been crazy busy and haven't been able to spend the time on PN looking at images that I absolutely crave to peruse. I'm taking a photography class on top of everything else. The upside is that at least I get to shoot!

    Foot Traffic


    I like this a great deal! It tells a story, the simplicity is soothing, and I could look at it for hours. The only thing that *might* improve it is framing the prints at a diagonal. Then again, maybe not.


    Well done!

    Frozen Specimen


    I know that guy! I was talking to him last week, I think. When did Dr. Freud start wearing that toupee?


    This does strike me as very Freudian. The image is fun, fascinating, and the focus is crisp. The only thing I would like to see changed is the background. I have the same difficulty when I shoot icicles. If only there was a way to make it magically disappear.


    This has a nice "feel" to it. He looks thoughtful, peaceful, and a bit bemused/befuddled. If that describes him, you've done a fine job of creating a portrait that conveys some of the essence of the person.
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