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Image Comments posted by jbidarra


    Very good image. I like the light effect and the composition. Although somehow a beaten road, I think you managed a very particular way to give it some uniqueness with the light, the colors and the composition. Regards.
  1. Yes, Pnina, memories are a precious and strange, they fade, they come, they go, they move inside our minds... and they gave excellent photos.

    On the other hand, some photos bring up memories and they can also be very good.

    I don't know which of the cases it is, but this is a very good image. Regards.

  2. It is a very classic, and a good "portrait on location". I like the light and the BW conversion very much. Of course, Paris always brings the classic guy inside out. Like "we will always have Paris". Oh god it's Paris, Idaho! Well, it's a good photo, indeed. Regards

    Come to father

    Very good image. Almost makes think it comes from a Murnau or Fritz Lang film. It looks to me that you have done amazing post-processing work here. Regards.


    Very good photo, I like the composition, the movement caught on the right time and the textures and forms of the walls. Regards.


    Indeed very interesting street scene. The blured backgound adds a more strange feeling to the scene. Of course I assume that this could be a strange scene for me (still) but familiar to someone living in several countries nowadays. I mean I'm not used to see a military dressed young guy with sun glasses, no hat or helmet, sports backpack, formal suitcase and a machine gun walking down the street. Very good photo.
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